Mystery Science News Thread 3,000

I was convinced it did nothing, now I feel somewhat vindicated. Also heartbroken at 35 wasted points.

Yeah sorry i guess i lied??

odd, it’s A Big Deal in the other games
like maxing out luck at the expense of everything else is a good smt1 build

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Oh I wasn’t blaming you, sorry if that was unclear :sweat:

I think I had started to convince myself it was working but it was probably just skill stacking.

Nah im just frustrated that i was so convinced. Tricked by the placebo apparently. and i too put a lot of points into my recent play that i’m now 15+ hours into :stampstampstamp:

I wonder whether it was oversight or commentary

That mod would nerf a lot of the strats I’m using to break the midgame wide open.


yeah it messes with a lot of what I exploited as well. but, that is the appeal of a hard mode, making you reconsider the rules, or adapt to how they change.

stonewall booty daimyo jackson


google “japanimation”…trust me.

New Terry Cavanagh announced:


Dracko, you are a godsend.

anyone else intrigued?

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This is a pretty cool read

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I mean, insofar as demon’s souls was a dungeon crawler armored core in the first place, and a lot of the hints they’ve been dropping lately support VR MECH GAME –

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please elaborate because I am :yikesghost:

the shoulder button combat and the equip menus are a dead ringer