MUWT 2: The Quickening

You know there’s probably someone out there who feels the same way you do about all that stuff…


:spicy meatball voice: Thatsa lotta deada girlsa!

really enjoying THE COMMUTER

I tried to go see that one day during some freezing weather but they told me the heating was down in the theater and it was 50 degrees in there so I… did something else.

“Liam Neeson Die Hard on the Metro North” is honestly like my ideal junk action movie

I’m celebrating the last night before my wife gets back with this and some cheap cognac

the supporting cast is great too, it’s Patrick Wilson, Jonathan Banks, and Sam Neill

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Is there any actual action though, Neeson is so damn old

he loses a few fistfights

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The movie “Stretch” is on netflix and its a pretty decent way to spend 90 minutes if you’re into like angst and hollywood and crime guys and stuff

this one totally flew under my radar when it was released but i’m gonna say it’s Joe Carnahan’s best movie

Stretch just made me think that Carnahan decided to write a script after staying up an entire week bingeing tumblr gif sets.

I mean, it’s probably not as bad as The Grey #anychancetoshitonthegrey

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This is good though

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I saw one minute of Ready Player One from someone streaming and riffing a cam rip on a private Twitter.

It was The Iron Giant giving a Terminator 2 thumbs up as he descends into lava.



ur a monster

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I was trying to think of a good Joe Carnahan movie. For a second I thought I still liked NARC, but then I remembered trying to rewatch NARC and being bored.

Fucked up when your best movie is The A-Team and that’s only sorta OK because of a couple scenes that Lynch wrote for himself.

still wish he had made his WHITE JAZZ with Clooney though!

oh yeah I have a weird affection for SMOKIN’ ACES based entirely on the bit where the feds are being shot through the windows of a skyscraper by someone with a high powered rifle and have no idea where exactly the fire is coming from and they just run their sidearms straight out the broken window like it’s going to do anything

at first I thought “that’s not going to do anything”

then I thought

“that is exactly the level of thoughtfulness and responsibility I expect from a cop in response to this situation YES SPRAY YOUR BULLETS EVERYWHERE MORE AND MORE”

man when it’s Sunday afternoon and you meant to be cleaning but instead you’re realizing you have all these opinions re: joe carnahan