MUWT 2: The Quickening

What if I told you the actual title was Yi ; Yi?


watched Coppola’s Dracula tonight and loved it

it’s so expressionist! and the ending is better than the book


Let this appaling cinematic waste of everyone’s time never cease to be dunked on


his Lando rap should have won the Oscar tbh

Watched Thor Ragnarok

research flat asgard


Watch Hitchcock’s Saboteur (1942) and was shocked how much it’s themes were the same shit we are dealing with. Patriotism and Good Personhood being smoke screens for the true villiany. That the villians aren’t traitors to America because they don’t believe in America or countries just being rich and poweful and gaining more money and power.

It was good and then really depressing because it was not escapism.

Yeah the Conrad book that’s based on, The Secret Agent, is still one of my favorites. Genuinely explores terrorism, from the perspective of terrorists.

Yup. Nothing new under the sun. The problems we face in the world today were laid out in great detail by the top intellectual figures of the day during the beginning of the industrial revolution. The alienating effects on individuals and society at large due to rapid technological change, inequality and the exploitation of the mass of working people by an elite few, the rise of demagoguery and more were predicted by many thinking people all the way back in the late 1700s/early 1800s.

When Orwell and Huxley wrote 1984 and Brave New World, respectively, they were actually writing about the times they lived in just as much as the direction they saw things heading in the future.

Sometimes at work I overhear some of the younger people talking about stuff and get kind of depressed at how little a sense of history some of them have (or don’t have, rather). Someone mentioned that Coca Cola* used to have actual cocaine in it and someone else was like “Yeah but that was back in the '60s, right?”. He was only off by like a century.

Someone else was talking about computers and was asking when the first version of AutoCAD came out and was genuinely surprised to learn that it was in 1982. He honestly didn’t know that desktop computers were advanced enough to run drafting software back then.

There are so many people in the United States who are exactly what the U.S. public education system was explicitly designed to produce. Obedient workers just smart enough to run things but not smart enough to see who’s screwing them over in the long run.

The scale and immensity of the machine that consumes us as grease used to induce in me an anxious despair and while I have since learned to accept that reality is often arbitrary and cruel I have also accepted the simple that what is built and assembled over time can also be un-built and disassembled.

*Death to Coca Cola

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There was a really hilarious Twitter thing the other day that consisted of dozens of people simultaneously realizing that Einstein didn’t live in the 1700s and it blew my mind


Does this mean they also thought there were cameras and film projectors and stuff in the 1700s as well?


I think they had just never seen a picture of him? Idk. I mean I think (hope) the 1700s thing was an exaggeration for effect but still

Or they were just confusing him with Isaac Newton!

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Lots of people think titanic is just a movie.

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Man Black Panther owned, I was not expecting to be that invested emotionally by the end. Great villain. Was sad to see him go. Most stylish Marvel movie ever, just blowing Ragnarok out of the water in that category.

“Good natured CIA man saves the day” bit aside, I thought it was pretty tasteful overall and didn’t become some political polemic. It generally felt more about People than politics, and pretty universally relatable IMO.


Two years from now this will be a Dune thread.