music socials (,, rym, discogs, spotify, soulseek, etc.)

I know we have an old thread, but I want to kick off a thread for other music socials outside the axe. My last, uh, has not updated in months. Same with my last RYM. I have mostly done my music socialising in, but I do plan to have an active and RYM when my life is back in track. You (reading this) can DM me for my older and RYM, if curious. Until then, my is the best I can offer. If you listen to mostly electronic(a), industrial, synth(pop), chillout, hip hop, (nu) jazz, r&b, (neo) soul, funk, nu metal, video game music, etc. We can bond.

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Your compatibility with exwifematerial is Very Low.
You both listen to Sneaker Pimps, Everything But the Girl, and Akira Takemoto.


Your compatibility with exwifematerial is Medium.
You both listen to Takako Minekawa, Flipper’s Guitar, and Prince.


Your compatibility with exwifematerial is Very Low.
You both listen to Deftones, and bĂ´a.

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Your compatibility with Iammadmak is Very Low.
You both listen to Esthero.


Your compatibility with Iammadmak is Very Low.
You both listen to Vince Staples, Zero 7, and Akira Yamaoka.


Your compatibility with Iammadmak is Low.
You both listen to Citizen, Movements and Have Mercy.

I’d use volt fm if it worked outside of spotify but I successfully weened myself off that site

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also the thread isn’t an axe thread

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Your compatibility with enemarathon is Very Low.
You both listen to MASTER BOOT RECORD, Rei Harakami, and Tujiko Noriko.


Your compatibility with enemarathon is Low.
You both listen to Soichi Terada, Ornette Coleman, and Cornelius.


Your compatibility with enemarathon is Very Low.
You both listen to Dead Kennedys, and Time Zone.

I’d have stuck with if things scrobbled anymore :frowning:

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might make another account if it will keep track of stuff i listen to on yourtub and spotty and bandcamp and local :frowning:


Don’t know about Bandcamp, but the last time I had an active account, they let you scrobble through YouTube and Spotify plug ins. What I can’t scrobble through plug ins, I use manual / open scrobbler instead.

they do

it goes on and ona nd on and on but you can uncheck whatever you dont want

you can set youtube to not scrobble non music stuff

spotify has an option in the apps plug ins for scrobbling

clementine, foobar and wacup are all compatible with as well

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theres literally never been a better time to scrobble so much is compatible with lastfm


This is amazing. Years ago I walked away when free users lost so much scrobbling, but now I shall returns to the fold


welcome back!

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Not mine.

4 Likes works with every platform I use except my record player. I wish most of my friend list hadn’t stopped using it more than a decade ago.

While I use slsk to track down obscure things, I don’t ever talk to anyone on that platform.

Many years ago, I used to talk to people on Napster sometimes. I remember the night my sister and I discovered VNV Nation. We started chatting with the person sharing the songs, a user named Homer in Germany, who suggested some other groups that I still listen to today.

Here’s one Napster chat that I saved from 2000.

 <Tornberry> hey
 <Tornberry> i got a question
 <aqueous_worm> hello. 
 <aqueous_worm> what's that?
 <Tornberry> just another user
 <Tornberry> oh ya . . . my question
 <aqueous_worm> sorry. that's what I meant. What is your question? :)
 <Tornberry> What is the name of the Super Metroid BGM that plays before the boss battle against the fire ghost?
 <Tornberry> i can't exactly TYPE how it sounds lol
 <Tornberry> Something like:  da dan dan
 <Tornberry> Erase that ^
 <Tornberry> something like: dan dan dan dan dan dan dandan!!! dan dan dan dandan!!!
 <Tornberry> you still there?
 <aqueous_worm> yeah
 <aqueous_worm> trying to think
 <Tornberry> you know what im talking about?
 <aqueous_worm> I don't really know the song names in general
 <Tornberry> oh ok
 <Tornberry> sorry
 <aqueous_worm> usually they are called after the areas, like Brinstar and Crateria
 <Tornberry> i've checked all the boss fight BGM's but none of them are it
 <Tornberry> ohhhh
 <Tornberry> ok
 <aqueous_worm> hmm. well, you can get the whole soundtrack in SPC format
 <aqueous_worm> and find out that way
 <Tornberry> huh? how?
 <Tornberry> SPC? what is thaat?
 <aqueous_worm> it is sound files ripped directly from the games
 <Tornberry> how do i get that?
 <aqueous_worm> they are exactly how the SNES sounds, and they take up no hard drive space a tall
 <aqueous_worm> at all
 <aqueous_worm> I get mine at
 <Tornberry> but HOW do you get that?!
 <Tornberry> OK THANX!!!!!!
 <aqueous_worm> you will need a player for it, or a winamp plugin
 <aqueous_worm> all that you need is at
 <Tornberry> i have that.... and i can get that
 <aqueous_worm> but let me know if you can't find any of it
 <Tornberry> OK THANX!
 <Tornberry> sure
 <Tornberry> thanx
 <Tornberry> wiat
 <Tornberry> wait
 <Tornberry> can i burn SPC format?
 <aqueous_worm> nope
 <Tornberry> HUH?
 <aqueous_worm> you have to convert it to wav
 <Tornberry> lol!!
 <Tornberry> yes you can
 <Tornberry> and i can download it at zophar,net?
 <aqueous_worm> download what? the WAV files?
 <Tornberry> the CONVERTER
 <Tornberry> SPC to WAV converter . . .
 <Tornberry> can i get it at
 <Tornberry> (i accidentally pushed the Ignore button, sorry)
 <aqueous_worm> oh, well, I just use winamp for that
 <aqueous_worm> it has options to output anything to wav
 <Tornberry> You mean Winamp can play SPC files automatically?
 <aqueous_worm> anything it plays, that is
 <aqueous_worm> no, you need a plugin
 <aqueous_worm> but it is very easy to install
 <Tornberry> oh i see
 <Tornberry> One more thing
 <Tornberry> how do i rip music of my SNES emulator?
 <aqueous_worm> I don't know how to do that
 <Tornberry> oh well
 <Tornberry> thanx for everything!
 <aqueous_worm> but you can get anything in spc format
 <Tornberry> kool
 <aqueous_worm> they have a HUGE archive
 <Tornberry> hello?
 <aqueous_worm> no problem
 <Tornberry> wait a minute . . .
 <Tornberry> are you the on that was talking to me about
 <aqueous_worm> yes
 <Tornberry> ummmmmmm....
 <Tornberry> and did i talk to you about ripping songs directly off emulators?
 <aqueous_worm> yeah, and I said I do not know how except for NES
 <Tornberry> this is getting FREAKY!
 <Tornberry> I was just finshed talking to someone about, SPC format, and ripping songs off emulators!!!!!!!!!!
 <Tornberry> it couldn't of been you!
 <aqueous_worm> well, it was me, unless you had 2 conversations
 <Tornberry> B/C when i finished talknig to the other person, i closed the box, and your box was behind his
 <Tornberry> but he had a dif name
 <Tornberry> and i was only talking to ONE person the whole time
 <Tornberry> i only started talking to you b/c you started talking to me
 <aqueous_worm> that is strange because you sent me the 1st msg
 <Tornberry> i did?!
 <aqueous_worm> what was the other name?
 <Tornberry> no i didn't
 <Tornberry> it was anderson something
 <Tornberry> Anderson______
 <aqueous_worm> well, who knows, but I do not know that name
 <Tornberry> cant exaclty rem who
 <Tornberry> oh well
 <Tornberry> so in other words.. i just had a huge conversation with you?  (besides right now)
 <Tornberry> Well thanx!!!!!!!!!
 <Tornberry> CYA!
 <Tornberry> I'm off to!
 <aqueous_worm> have fun