Mighty News Thread Number 9: No Silksong in Mudville

Yeah actually the entire first half of zero sound was genuinely unsettling but when the audio did kick in it was incredibly funny, It’s too bad they didn’t take the mistake to heart and go with it.


wait… is the playdate good now?


This looks pre-rendered isometric to me, yes pls. I hope you can’t rotate the camera.

you can’t tell me that any of this current video game movie slop is preferable to bob hoskins wearing jet boots in a cyberpunk sewer world. we’ve really fallen far as a society if our popular entertainment for children has to look like college humor sketches.


the new mario movie wasn’t as good as minions (2015) but it’s ok


Oh no.

(September 26th.)


looking forward to the PS5 owners sharing how good the new astro bot is


Damn, did not realize that comes out tomorrow! Wow… a real actual PS5 exclusive… Those Astro Bot games have all been great so far, so I’ll definitely try it out.


Maybe Concord was necessary as some sort of arcane ritual sacrifice to ensure Astrobot’s safe passage to success. Reviews have been glowing.

I had read somewhere before that the levels constantly have unique gimmicks to them, which made me worried that maybe the core platforming would not develop over the course of the game and instead every level would feel like a light mini-game, but I’m hoping the positive reception means that is not the case.


Too bad they didn’t stick with their first instinct, but they are correct that people love references to things in other things. Unfortunately.

I think one reason Astro Bot works so well is that it doesn’t have any talking.


Quick Q… but what’s a bearable news site for games. I used to use Twitter for a lot of game news and the other things I used to follow no longer report. Don’t care for criticism at this level, just news because industry websites like Games Industry and Game Developer don’t cut it for this.

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I’m not expecting this to be fixed, but one of the biggest things I think Astro Bot could ape from an older game to give it more of its own identity is Ape Escape’s unique monkeys. I think Astro Bot (2024) is like Astro Bot: Rescue Mission (the old PSVR1 game) in that one of the main collectables is finding hidden Astrobots throughout the levels who are in varying states of chilling out or in peril. But most of them had identical designs and characteristics. I really wish the game would go the extra step and give every single bot some sort of accessory to give each one its own personality (and a name and one sentence description like Ape Escape wouldn’t hurt either).


I actually read pc gamer now, though I have no idea whether it’s good, it just seems to be one of the few actively publishing sites that I have no explicitly negative associations with


Edit: Wait, Andrew Vestal wrote that History of Console RPGs article for videogames dot com while in high school?



My reactions to your post went something like:

  1. Oh yeah, the GIA! This was the first website I really got into. Pity it shut down.
  2. Wait, this isn’t an archived mirror. Is somebody squatting the domain?
  3. Wait, this is Andrew and Nich, and they resumed updating more than 10 years ago?
  4. Wait, I seem to remember hearing that they brought the site back, but then I just forgot about that fact again at some point in the last decade??
  5. Wait, they shut down again in 2015???

Hell of a roller coaster ride. A+, would ride again.


I like Gematsu for general news (though it focuses it seems a bit more on Japanese games), though having been leaning hard on the Switch for the last few years I’ve looked at Nintendo Life a bunch to keep up with stuff on there.

Other than that…Eurogamer I guess?

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Google occasionally recommends me articles from Time Extension - Retro Gaming News 24/7, and it seemed solid enough for its particular sphere of interest.

I dare you to read Gematsu article comments

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I’ve made this mistake before. Place is in dire need of either moderation, or just purging comments altogether.

if you’re a big enough site and your income is based on views, having toxic comments where people keep coming back to continue their fights is financially motivated