Mighty News Thread Number 9: No Silksong in Mudville

they got timed hits in this final fantasy


Wait, was Cold War really advertised as a surreal avant-garde political thriller?

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I think I saw somewhere that Nine Sols had been listed somewhere for a Switch release, but no dates yet

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undertale tapped into three enormous existing fandoms simultaneously so while i think toby is a great designer and musician who deserves the praise he arguably has even better business instincts


three fandoms? Homestuck and what else?

Shit you sold me on Nine Sols as soon as it is on a thing I actually play.


Earthbound, obviously, though I’m not sure about the third one. Shooting games, for combat evades? Persona/SMT, for monster negotiation?

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Lost Odyssey af imo

touhou. sorry, wasn’t meaning to be oblique. they’re all mentioned in the original kickstarter, as well as SMT turns out


don’t know if i mentioned it but i was hired as producer by team cherry some time back. every day i send an email to the devs demanding they put in “more juice” or “slightly less juice” and if they ask me when it’ll be done i hit em with the miyamoto quote. i also send on random gamedeveloper articles of no apparent relevance with " :eyes:" in the subject line and i message people individually at random later on to find out if they’ve read it. i want to thank these guys for hiring me on as an aspiring vizier in today’s tough economy. please stay excited for Sinksong or dingdong or wingdings or whatever it’s called


Be sure to send them links to Game maker’s toolkit videos


did that guy ever comment on how there’s two entrances to fog canyon, the earlier of which is soft-locked behind a slightly finicky ability you might not know you have? that’s the cleverest thing i remember from HK’s map design

Dark Souls knockoffs replaced nongames

I can’t wait til we hit Nothing Can Stop Us Because it’s News Thread 98

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I think I agree, but if people wanted to be like that towards something like Hammerfight, I wouldn’t be angry. I guess my feelings are similar to Felix’s on From’s popularity.


Hammerfight rules


hammerfight is one of the better causes of an rsi


having tried and failed to stick with hollow knight like three times i’ve concluded that i wasn’t just in a bad mood when i tried it and it is in fact not a game for me.

if i compare it to metroidvanias i actually like i think the primary problem is that it is not fun to move in that game, which is a big problem in a game about moving! where’s the skill expression?

castlevania has backdashes, transformations, and animation canceling. super metroid has huge vertical jumps, tricky wall jumps, feels like you’re in a suit that makes movement awkward. even fuckin outer wilds, a game about reading text, has movement with a high skill ceiling.

if i have to backtrack across your whole goddamn map without any indication of where to go next at least give me something to get better at while i do it.


yeah mark me as finding Hollow Knight quintessentially mid. i even find the music boring! it’s texturally fine but compositionally pretty vapid

i think the main thing for me is, the souls games are extremely rewarding on numerous axes despite how frustrating and cruel they can feel at times. HK is rarely rewarding on that level. the art isn’t interesting enough, the music isn’t interesting enough, the map, the lore, it’s all just serviceable but not worth slogging through that game for


I like games about bugs but that’s about it. I felt like the attack range was just a scooch too short in HK