Mighty News Thread Number 9: No Silksong in Mudville

When I look at PS5 games I think “this needs more graphics.”


the PS5 is honestly very underpowered for it to constitute any kind of meaningful generational advancement! the problem is that Sony can’t really make it more powerful enough to matter within its market niche either. it’s about 5x a PS4 in raw terms which is, for various reasons, not really enough


I think you answered your own question – I think the PC audience is often wrongly convinced of their own platform superiority (the same way the console audience is often wrongly convinced of how little they’re missing out on) but one of the only downsides to the switch this whole time has been that it often can’t really play uncompromised ports of titles on other platforms, and we have wound up with a low enough baseline in the meantime that this downside is about to vanish


playing star wars at like 480p and not being able to tell the difference because of DLSS is really wild and that’s probably going to be every switch 2 game


i can still play GT7 on my base model PS4 so, uh, what’s the point


as far as the “multi million company tea leaves” go, my suspicion is that Nintendo might still be a bit burnt from 3ds /Wii U taking the tack of “equally capable as last successful console w/ optional feature, higher spec, & expanded library” & disappointing. In part because they didn’t read as meaningful changes among anyone who wasn’t acclimated enough 2 gamer world 2 know ‘console generations’ are assumed buy-ins.

Obviously, not Microsoft’s only mistake but the Series S/X did/does similarly position itself as “PC port library” (+ game pass!) and is entirely ignored. Maybe the ecosystem has shifted enough that there’s no longer a need for Nintendo to frame a new product as “A New Nintendo Innovation” or w/e but i’d still be a bit surprised if they felt that way. I find it hard to imagine them announcing Switch 2 as pure tech progress/apple equivalent 2 valve’s android but certainly possible.


Let me channel GameFAQs and spitball a feature list

  • Greater performance
  • Refined 3D display ala 3DS
  • Display can slide into a Google Daydream/Cardboard style headset, decidedly not VR but “immersive” for those who want the experience

I think the current Nintendo management is pretty conservative, and that for the most part their wacky hardware ideas felt like they were born out of necessity to begin with. they were happy doing things like the SNES, GameCube, GBA et al when they felt like they could get away with it. They can definitely get away with it this time


the point of a ps5 pro is so my sister will get one and hand me down her ps5 and I can play rise of ronin


What was the sb consensus on oxenfree

I thought it was horribly annoying the whole way through, but that take could’ve been predicted by anyone that knows me and I want to know if I’m out of step with the critical consensus or not


You and I are standing side by side with this, at least.


Equal parts charming and annoying? Mystified in hindsight that I actually finished it so it must have been doing something that compelled me


the actual dialogue system (real time interruption/branching/silent option w/ voice acting) was a technical accomplishment other games are still catching up with

i like it but i like a lot of chatty adventure games


Is it the inclusion of voice acting because I can think of earlier games like heaven’s vault that included real time interruption/branching/silent option and that wasn’t even the most impressive feature there.

The voice acting was the worst part for me, but I might just be allergic to whedonism-as-game-writing and every moment with the annoying snarky guy friend gave me hives


yeah, like the seamless dynamic insertion of NPCs pausing mid line with a little “mm”


a personal antirecommendation of afterparty for you btw. a grim vision of 2000s double fine sensibilities in the hands of millennial twitter addicts c 2018 that i laughed at a lot despite myself

oxenfree II is just straight up good though


In a very SB way re: the Switch 2’s open pathway in front of it there is a certain GTA 6 sized gorilla waiting to drop that is likely to be truly next gen (i.e. only most current Sony/MS consoles) and like… even if it is terrible is there a way it sells less than 20 million copies within the first year or so? Someone is gonna sell a lot of consoles due to that game.


I would not be surprised if Rockstar made a version for Switch 2 for release after the PC version. But yeah there are probably a not insignificant number of people getting the latest PlayStation/Xbox for that game.

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I gave Oxenfree a try but bounced off it… I remember thinking the conversation stuff was neat, but didn’t find anything else about the game compelling. I think I felt too old to enjoy it lol.

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true, my nephew already got a PS5 for that ( a bit premature but the kids, finger, pulse et al), will that be the—

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