methods of input (Part 1)

I tried this with Resident Evil 7 and it kind of worked, but the UI would change on the fly every time I switched between mouse and controller. It was just annoying enough that I after a little while I gave up and just used the controller.

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not really and it sucks


I took apart the worldā€™s most complicated computer mouse today (MX Vertical)

Good lord, Logitech, did it need 6 PCBs, clips like a car interior, and 26 screws?

No glue, though.


Iā€™ve done that once, but I used my teeth

and it certainly wasnā€™t going back together after that


Proud to say I didnā€™t break a thing!

Also, addendum, four ribbon cables and three different kinds of tactile micro switches besides M1/M2.


I stopped purchasing Logitech mice after I broke the middle mouse click in a year for four years running; the snap-on construction made me think they couldnā€™t be serviced

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The snap-on in this one is excessive but the gaming mice of theirs Iā€™ve used just have screws under the skates and two halves of the shell.

Middle click is typically an SMD soldered microswitch so it would be a pain to repair, though.

Thereā€™s no rhyme or reason I can divine as to why there are so many clearly expensive latching ribbon cables in here. They also used a coil spring and optical encoder for the scroll wheel.

Iā€™m intensely curious how Ankerā€™s mouse is built after this.

Oh, and itā€™s not just out of morbid curiosity, Iā€™m going to dremel the heck out of it until itā€™s under 100g and replace the switches.


Iā€™ve been using Anker vertical mice for the past few years and theyā€™ve also broken down at about 12 months. But at $20 a piece Iā€™ve been happy with them.

I might still have one I could try disassembling and letting you know, if you have any specific questions.

I picked up one of those iFixit screwdriver sets a few months ago and Iā€™m surprised at how happy using it makes me. Thereā€™s a half-dozen clever design touches just in the construction of the case and I love it.

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I like how the lid placed upside down has 40 squares to sort screws with :slight_smile:

Iā€™m gonna research and see if I can find a teardown, mostly just curious about the ā€œskeleton.ā€

edit: lo Anker Vertical Mouse Teardown and Cleaning - iFixit

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Logitech designing mice like


wondering about how replicable that study was led me to




Depending on whatā€™s breaking down it might be a really simple repair

Everything is through-hole soldering and theyā€™re actually using M1/M2-type switches for middle click and M4/M5.

My will to reassemble this mouse has all but evaporated after seeing the Anker teardown lol

Ah, I remember, itā€™s the plastic axle that the wheel sits on - I think I might press on it with an angle (I use my middle finger instead of my index finger so the pressure is a bit torqued).

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I found a half dozen aliexpress sellers with the same OEM as the Anker mouse so Iā€™m going to try one of those for $5.

Meanwhile, typing ā€œvertical opticalā€ into aliexpress is just a treat



(11) Press and Space Button

is that a thumbstick that can only be used for stick-clicking? truly cursed

No, itā€™s also mapped (semi-permanently?) to WASD for the cardinal directions (7-10)

ah, I suppose the context-swapping would be too aggravating if it was registered as a second game controller with an analog stick, and you kept mouse-clicking

Maybe this is the PC equivalent of one of those one-handed Dragon Quest controllers


whuh-oh, Iā€™ve found the cure for my clammy hands on touchscreens and I hate it



Punchline: this is the only one I found on Aliexpress with a name-brand ā€œgamingā€ sensor in it and it only goes down to 1000 dpi.

In all seriousness if something happened to my left hand I could play like SOMA and Gone Home one handed.