this is a hellish exercise
Sumer is A-Cumen In
that three-track continuous mix on Blues for the Red Sun that finishes with Writhe
The Creator Has a Master Plan
Track 1 off Chaos Theory
Boâ - Duvet
the maudlin theme from The Living Daylights
that Nickleback x Mr Happy nonsense
Sean Hughes covering Psycho Killer
Dúlamán (any version)
Frankie Bones - Funky Acid Makossa
not my 10 most favourite songs but 10 very favourites I could think of reasonably swiftly
I’m trying not to think too hard about it… I’m thinking too hard about it!
Actually, now that I look at it, this playlist reminds me of an idea I’ve been meaning to talk about. I think of some songs as cocoons. I listen to them very purposefully when I need to step away from life for, oh, 10 minutes. I close my eyes and focus intently on them. I do not think of anything else. I feel very refreshed when the song is over. At least half of this playlist is what I consider a cocoon song.
Not an all time thing but where I’m at lately
All these songs get me v hyped up
Blood Orange - Baby Florence (Figure)
Chief Keef - Spy Kid
James Blake - Love Me In Whatever Way
Lil B - I’m Orange Juice
The Mars Volta - Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt
Naiad - Ugly
Nils Frahm - Sunson
Salyu x Salyu - Kokoro
Yoshihiro Hanno - Flowers of Shanghai Main Theme
Young Thug - Ooou
Gonna stop thinking about this so I don’t make it ten entirely different songs.
Nina sImone- Sinnerman
Billie Holiday- I Wonder Where Our Love Has Gone
Thievery Corporation- Heaven’s Gonna Burn Your Eyes
Pavemant- Shady Lane
OutKast- Hey Ya
Days n Daze- Call the Coroner
Jandek- Nancy Sings
Songs Ohia- Riding with the Ghost
Kendrick Lamar- ADHD
the Mountain Goats- Cry For Judas
Impossible task
if i think about this AT ALL i will explode so off the top of my head ill do the best i can without making myself explode
snakes say hiss - talk
hossam ramzy - dalloua (the coy spoiled one)
leonard cohen - avalanche
parenthetical girls - the privlege
xiu xiu - suha
larajj - all of a sudden
black eyes - deformative
duran duran - the chauffeur
the pogues - thousands are sailing
yamasuki - yamasuki
the idea of cocoon songs was plunged into my brain and im sure it had some influence so i wanted to say something, not that my list is TAINTED but yes its tainted. and, like im sure is the case for other posters, can change by the minute
is it just me or is your link broken
Tried to do like one per genre and/or era kinda sorta roughly?
Bach - St Matthew Passion - Erbarme Dich
Chopin - "Raindrop" Prelude
The Beatles - The Long One
Tower of Power - What Is Hip
Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall In Love
Victor Wooten - Improv / Amazing Grace
Tool - The Grudge
The Bad Plus - Chariots of Fire
Yebba - My Mind
Knower - Overtime (Live Band sesh)
these always difficult but:
autechre - c7b2 (way too hard to choose 1 track from them tbh, goz quarter also a contender)
snd - 6 (again v difficult to pick 1)
rei harakami - wasuremono
ecco2k - calcium
jlin - erotic heat
sophie - hard
miki nakatani - frontier
oli xl - rogue idiot
bladee - decay
david sylvian - a fire in the forest
This was on my shortlist
Broad strokes here. Learned that I am no fun at parties.
Oh classic spotify, actually to be fair broken link is pretty representational of my listening experience on that platform
im gonna take everyone itt saying THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE to mean thats the point and here’s just the 1st 10 songs i love forever that i could think of
idk, i didn’t find it too difficult. there are a lot of songs i’ve loved at various points but when something is just unbelievably resonant i usually milk it until i’ve had my fill and then move on, seeking another hit from another source
the ones i posted are just the first ones that came to mind that didn’t make me go “but is it Really the one you want?” i had a radiohead song on there (how to disappear completely) because i have this memory of being 15 or whatever and just. melting into that song, over and over again, with my little cd player and headphones in the backseat of a car. but i also haven’t listened to that song intentionally in probably 10+ years, so, eh. it was a different me!
so my list really just ended up being songs i thought of that i didn’t veto for being no longer relevant to me in the same way. i did swap out 3 or 4 of my first picks as i thought of things i liked better.
i think also like, i’m not really a person who listens to a lot of music. maybe if you listen to music all day everyday you have a lot more tunes you’d put on a list and then it gets hard to choose. despite loving music, i have a very strange relationship with actually listening to it.
Uh I haven’t logged into my Spotify account in a few years and don’t feel like resetting my password, so here’s a Tidal playlist
There are so many songs missing from this list, it’s giving me anxiety. But this is a pretty good my favorites, really.