yeah I download like a bunch of shit I haven’t heard every week and throw it into the shuffle all pile. new music for me is always a surprise during the usual. I try to mark stuff I super like on, but this is the reason I can never answer the question ‘what kind of music do you like’
WHAT THE FUCK AM I EVEN SUPPOSED TO SAY? whatever I say they think that’s all I listen to so I have to be as broad as possible and I usually just say ‘annoying shit’
this is so hard omg.
if i was being honest with myself there would be a lot more sewerslvt in the top 10 but for the sake of representation i’ve tried not to double up:
everything after the top 5 is like kinda fuzzy and could change order or be swapped out w the top 20 at any time (i literally changed this list while writing this which means i Need To Post This). honourable mention to laura les’ cemetary 4 which goes real hard and made it into the list like 5 different times before it was finalised.
i’ve done this exercise multiple times before and about half the songs stay the same and the other half always change significantly. but regardless, here’s one version of it
I seriously considered this and it’s gotta be two versions because 2 of the songs I want are not on Spotify!
I had to switch out The Blue Hearts “Linda Linda” (the greatest punk song) for Sambomaster’s “futari bochi no sekai”. A song in which a man seems to have multiple orgasms before he ever starts singing. He does not stop seeming to have orgasms though. Then says a bunch of pretty things about a loved one before de-evolving into guitar noise and screaming.
Then I had to switch out my actually favorite China Drum song, the acoustic version of “Biscuit Barrel” for the acoustic version of “Down By The River.” China Drum also did a semi-famous cover of Wuthering Heights which was on at least one of your lists.
I love Augie’s Great Municipal Band horns and the the cut to credits music may be in my top 10 sounds on earth.
i tried doing this last year but gave up, i think i’d need like a hundred song limit to be anywhere near complete and even that would be difficult for me. i went back to the playlist i was trying to put together before and landed on this which has like, many many important omissions but it’s at least a good cross section of my favorites and each one is like a crucial inclusion and kind of represents at least some of the other stuff that’s not present
My babysitter gave me this CD shortly before I moved to Spokane as a 12 year old and subsequently permanently altered my brain chemistry to enjoy music like this.
I could honestly do a “ten favorite KMFDM songs” alone, but this one is always at the top even as the other picks vary. It’s almost like a “greatest hits” KMFDM song on its own; it veers around between basically every music style they’ve used in their career before and since. A real banger too.
Another artist I could pick so many favorites for, but I always come back to this one first, so. Makes me sad. I love the gradual build-up of the drum patterns into the shrill reverbs.
Like most people I probably heard this song’s instrumentals in an Adult Swim spot, which unfortunately makes me cringe. I really love the sampling in particular.
It’s a shame this guy’s channels from 2009-2010 constantly got nuked for “sexual content”. I have his first two vinyls. My sister introduced him to me but always thought of him as a weirdo and not like, a real musician. He’s real good though.
My first The Knife song, the one that lives forever in my consciousness. The guy who introduced me to this song and video, a man who we routinely made fun of for his obsession with correctly drawing dog dicks in furry art at the time, is now a reactionary poster on a site I won’t name for obvious reasons. Weird how the world changes.
The main guy for this band Gobble Gobble apparently had a falling out with them and had to reform as Born Gold. I have this on a single with End of Days (for Gobble Gobble) and an LP (Bodysongs). Cactusquid introduced me to it.
Was obsessed with this band all throughout high school. I went back through their discography recently, and while I wish their songs had a broader scope than they do, I still love them a lot.
This was my favorite track, and it’s still a banger:
i had a hard time with this too! still having a hard time with it.
a handful of notes
the opening verse of “exiles among you” by the weakerthans is the best representation of my feelings on my gender identity ever. i may have already said this on this forum but i’m saying it again.
“electro world” by perfume was super important to me when i was getting into perfume, it’s still important now, and my life changed dramatically after getting into them.
“binsenka” by clammbon is a beautiful song with a horn section, which honestly there should be more of on this list but there should be more of a lot of things on this list. anyway, it’s one of the songs suggested to me back when i was looking for stuff similar to katamari damacy music back in like 2005 and it started a huge shift in my tastes.
Okay after 2 years of thinking about this intermittently, this is the closest it’s gonna get to being an actual top ten. Or in other words I can’t think about this anymore or I’ll never Post