Like a News Thread 8: Infinite Welp

paging all Genki Racing Project enjoyers :genki:


the crucifixion side quest is wild, i went into it wanting to ruin the show but you’re not allowed any roleplay and you must somberly nail the new jesus to the cross. very unhinged.


Damn I didn’t know the Veggietales games went so hard


Hopefully you are aware that you got my hopes up so sky(line) high for the Next-Sportscar-eXperience that i feel supra-enthusiastic about a mere countdown… just three days and one hour to go :flushed:


Geoff trying desperately to appease the unappeasable before everyone talks about how Silksong isn’t there or whatever.


thought it read dragon ball: spanking! zero


I don’t really want to move to finland but this is neat


happiest people on earth, the finns


Friend of mine who works at Housemarq just got back from a 2 month vacation so, yeah, happiness and all that



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I literally never heard of this game until your least favorite youtuber made a video clowning on it so that’s probably a bad sign

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Literally did not even know this was coming out soon, let alone was already out.

To go to the Nintendo Museum even children need government ID lol


i hope they don’t let gamers into the nintendo museum


Why is there a Giant Wii but no Giant Virtual Boy?

Museum rules state no cosplay.

It comes out on Friday, like all big Sony games. It’s a big game right? Right?

I played a few games during the open beta and it’s a Halo/Destiny PvP like except with hero characters. It’s aesthetically and aurally drab and it seems to have spent an absolute ton of money on high quality but boring CG cutscenes for a “story” that I guess is doled out weekly or something? There weirdest thing is that the game actually does have a unique hook (“crew building (see below)”), but the UI does not emphasize it (this looks like it’s being improved somewhat in the final release), it’s just barely been mentioned in the marketing, and you don’t unlock the main part of it until you’ve leveled up your multiplayer rank enough, so I didn’t know it was a thing until I was done playing. Without that, it’s just another hero shooter that has a slightly more Halo-y/Destiny-y gamefeel than Overwatch.

So I think it’s done a remarkable bad job selling itself. It’s the studio’s first game and they were bought by Sony during development, and I wonder if Sony looked at the final product and decided they didn’t want to spend marketing effort or what.

– “Crew building” seems like the main differentiator for this game. Unlike other hero shooters, Concord seems to encourage constantly switching characters mid-battle because every time you do, you continually stack bonuses to yourself based on what character class you just used (stuff like faster reload speeds, less bullet spray). So you can get faster and faster reload speeds over the course of the match, etc. “Crew building” refers to the fact that you have a specific number of character slots to bring into a match, so you have to choose which characters/crew abilities you want to have access to during a game. Supposedly the game has lots of “variants” of each character with different guns/powers, so you can have multiple of the same character in your crew if you really like them and want to just stack their crew ability over and over.

Or something like that. No idea how well it works in practice because barely anyone played the open beta and you didn’t unlock crew building until you’d played a lot, if you were able to even figure out it was a thing (because the game UI didn’t really emphasize it in the beta).

Edit: Thinking on it, there’s some other stuff that I think points to it having it’s own character design philosophy (“skill loops” or “sloops” as the game calls them, a core part of the character designs where you only refresh your powers through specific means or actions rather than them all having passive cooldowns). But I just don’t think the game is popular enough for there to be any easily discernible mainstream sentiment to how interesting the game design is on that deep a level.


Concord is going to be the great uniter

chuds hate it because it’s woke

everyone else hates it because they already have their forever game

a new age of understanding is upon us


yeah wtf. i mean i just watched the video and i’m sure they didn’t show everything, but i couldn’t spot a Virtual Boy…anywhere? i feel like in the context of a museum that is mean to show the history of Nintendo, it’s completely bizarre to not have any mention of it

i understand as a long-time VB owner i am in a minority of people who would care, but it feels pathological on Nintendo’s part at this point

why aren’t any games running on CRTs, or with some CRT filters or something? (someone else made this comment on social media so i don’t feel bad being the first person to notice it)

why are all the products just bundled together behind glass with seemingly no placards or explainers or information?

seems like the majority of focus on the museum is making mediocre family-interactive games, which i guess is ok if the focus is on parents bringing their children? but i feel like that isn’t what this is meant to be?

seems weird