Like a News Thread 8: Infinite Welp

Timesplitters 2 might be one of the very few games with the honour of being “Game my brother has completed” when he played through the campaign on easy once. Unless he just stopped on the last level and went “Cool game” and never played it again, I forget.

Also I think it gave me nightmares about anthropomorphic ducks with shotguns chasing me in a mazy speakeasy


I’ll be doing the same.

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Timesplitters 2 made me realize how Nintendo didn’t have a good right analog stick

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i threw this on my wishlist many years ago and forgot about it and it seems it finally came out. for fans of old EGA Sierra adventure games


excited about this, I loved the first one


hell yeah

love the idea of co op for this. the first one was a perfect game to just have permanently installed on the xbox

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if harold bloom wrote about videogames it’d just be called Boy, I Love Influence


That is like a giant bag of candy that I want to gobble up

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No Anxiety in This Influence: Towards a Videogame Canon


have to admit that the style has got sucker-me interested in it, even when you can tell in the trailer already that it will sacrifice readability for style … :tarothink:

If you have a PS5 and for some reason bought No Heroes Allowed on PSN 14 years ago you can now play it in your PS5.


8/24 Update: Arcade Archives Knuckle Heads is back in the US PS Store, at the usual Arcade Archives $7.99 price now. (Thanks MapleStoryPSN on YouTube for updating me!)

Older post:

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This week’s Arcade Archives release is Namco’s “Knuckle Heads”–their first fighting game, I’ve read somewhere?–but it is not currently listed on the US PS Store; rumor has it that it was there briefly but listed at $8.49–later mobile Google search results seemed to corroborate this:

rather than the usual $7.99, so it has perhaps been taken down–Google search result currently leads to a store error page–in order for the price to be corrected. ; P

Ahh takes me back to the days of trying to get new video pinball DLC releases off the PS Store and those being screwed up like 30% of the time. = ppp

Also, how appropriate is that title, huh, huh? : p

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8/19 Follow-up

I noticed Hamster’s English social media announcement of the release linked to the PS GB store for the PS4 version, rather than to the US store. Not sure if the GB store is their usual link destination–don’t think it used to be.

I got the JP version, and the music is rife with copyright claims on YouTube–including end scene music, which hurts 'cause you can’t then just rim those segments or the whole video is like pointless. = P Anyway I wonder if the extensive, no-revenue-sharing-allowed copyright claims on the game music could have something to do with the US Store de-listing. Although that probably would just have meant it didn’t get listed in the first place.

insert house of the dead joke here

this looks maybe cool?


Finally, the Sega super game revealed!

“Derek Connolly, the franchise scribe whose work includes the Jurassic World movies, has been tapped to write a live-action adaptation of Sega video game Eternal Champions for Skydance.”


Anybody else see this as a kid and get fucked up for life?



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