life after unity

i have not! i am simply… resting here. :unamused: on my way to a different abyss! you wouldn’t know her. she goes to another school.

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old post but imo best use of RPG maker is to make dinky little transgender transformation games as a dysphoria dissociation tactic (i was too closeted to even consider it but check out tfgamessite)

i think if i were to try to get into game dev again i would just like. learn unreal. northern journey guy made it seem like a fun time

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wow this looks fantastic.
maybe this is the way to make the silly little flash games of my dreams.


ngl this came at just the right time for me stylo lmao both personally and for the project im working on


if you do decide to give it a go i’d love to know what you think. i think once i’m done with my current project i’d like to invest time in it as my “tiny sketches with maximum accessibility” tool.


i had a minor computer disaster on monday which resulted in my being unable to use my laptop for 24 hours, and so completely soul-crushing was my misery at not being able to work on game stuff for a day that upon getting to work yesterday i immediately opened up the playcanvas website and started looking at their subscription rates. idk what this says about me or playcanvas but there you go.

EDIT: also there’s a new entry in the playcanvas FAQ about whether they offer special rates for educational use (they don’t have a distinct subscription tier but you can just email for a free tier upgrade), and i’m pretty sure that’s my doing hahaha