Let's Play Shadow Tower (PSX, 1999)

ugh. trying to run Shadow Tower Abyss on PCSX2. game runs flawlessly but always crashes after maybe about 5-10 minutes. @Tulpa, what settings do you use (unless you use a capture card or something)?

all core emulator settings default

graphics settings:

I checked and no hardware hacks are actually enabled so you can disregard that as well.


so far so good! my settings were basically identical, with the exception of interlacing set to none instead of auto and res set to 2x instead of 3x, but i DID notice that pcsx2 was pulling from “default” device instead of explicitly using my discrete graphics, so i’m hoping that may have been the issue. need more testing. thank you


i think it’s working OK now. changed xaudio2 to directsound and hasn’t crashed since, so we’ll see

only issue is the game seems inferior to the original on every front, but i’ll have to play more. the setting, monster dismemberment, and reappearance of an old character: intriguing but wow, there’s way too much exposition for my taste

This is great. Honestly just coming up with cool names for things will take a videogame like 40% of the way there, even if the mechanic is bog standard in every other sense.


streaming a new route (just plotted it out today) that will eventually get me the wr
here’s my current pb


here are things i desire





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You need to at least bid on that last one

from the first link: a very detailed, accurate map that differs from what i have

from the second link: look at this 3D map of the shadow tower region. amazing! i want this one badly

from the fourth link: high-resolution images of the “official” maps which were adapted in lo-res for the only maps that exist online for the game - notable that this map contains an error in the placement of the dybbuk hole.

the third link is too expensive and it doesn’t seem particularly different from the others. some nice inked-looking boxed out concept art, though, and the bestiary looks nice too.

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got a new pb of 1:13:52. i’m pretty fucking happy with that. i had a 8 minute timeloss split and some serious trepidation at times, which makes me think sub-1:05 is a very realistic goal. i’m uploading it now.

slow loads world record:


Damn man, nice work


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But can you break an hour???

lol yes 57:34

world record in any version.



heck yeah !!

Baller, shot caller

Great job, pal. :dagger::dansemacabre::shield: