the thing with lifeshrooms is that they don’t exactly rez you, they add 25% (50% if grilled) of your health bar to your health basically. if you have 500 health and a lifeshroom, and an enemy hits you for 750 damage, you’re still gonna die. it doesn’t interrupt any animations when it activates either, so it’s still really easy to get stuck in a combo and killed. that said, though, yeah, it’s still pretty vital to have.
I’m, like, halfway through this game, on floor 23, and have a lot of thoughts about the game!!! so I’m just gonna dump them here:
I can def see where the grind really sets in. losing a high level character on a far up floor sucks, and if you retrieve them yourself (provided you have another character thats just as well equipped to get there!!) then they don’t bring anything back with them. you can have uncle death retrieve them and they’ll have all the stuff in their death bag that way, but it costs a ton of kill coins. it cost me 66000 kill coins to retrieve a character on floor 23. that’s a hell of a lot! on top of that materials can be hard to find for good equipment, esp if you’re upgrading them. and if you want a gaurentee that you don’t die, you’re constantly spending kill coins on equipment and weapons for pretty much every venture, because everything breaks pretty easily in this game. it is possible to scavenge for everything, I guess, but it’s stressful and dependant on hoping enemies drop good weapons and not pants all the time or w/e.
honestly my biggest problem with the game is the haters. sometimes you can run into a hater that’ll kill ya in one hit, and it’s just not fun. it’s just kind of too random and too much? there are certain strategies you can use since they are AI luckily.
sneaking up on them works really well for instance. even if your suplex doesn’t do much damage you can still attack them while they’re down and getting up. knowing where they might spawn on a map def helps, as well as listening for them since theyre always so loud. I find attacking them while they fight other enemies to be less successful, as other enemies will immediately ignore them and go after you the moment they see you.
poisoning works really well too. haters don’t like to be poisoned for too long, and will eventually (if not immediately) start to vomit, leaving themselves completely open. a doomshroom is nice, but it’s possible that you might get poisoned by it too, and why I don’t use any other cloud shrooms like the teargas or sleepy shrooms either. the iron claw is your best bet really, because it’s quick and it’s attacks can poison them. you can find the blueprint for it on floors 11-20.
the fish drops a shroom that can confuse enemies. this causes them to attack each other, but if there’s no one to attack they’ll just stand there the whole time instead.
of course the best thing to do when in a fight with one (or a screamer) is recognize whatever weapon they’re holding and noticing the openings in theirs (and yours) attacks. unfortunately each hater has their own mastery level it seems, and of course many of the more terrifying ones pick something like the machete, which is quick and has a good reach. this means that you’ll wait for a hater to whiff their 3 attack combo or w/e, but has enough mastery in, like, machete, to have a fourth attack, and will hit you with that when you start to go in
anyways yeah. the combat in this game feels very much like, whoever gets the first hit in is gonna win 75% of the time. it can both be satisfying and very stressful.
also yeah once you unlock higher tier fighters that means higher tier haters will start showing up. I don’t plan on getting a higher tier fighter until I find some blueprints for some better weapons honestly.
there are some coo’ things about the game. I like its style! I like the loop it has, which basically is making progress by either getting further up in the tower or re exploring floors for blueprints and materials. I like the idea of its multiplayer, though it’s either frustrating, like when it comes to haters, or not super worth engaging with, like the raids. I like that different side floors rotate in every day. I think there’s 3 rotations right now? overall it’s def a game that I’m enjoying, but I dunno if I’d call it great or spend money on it if wasn’t free to play.
also there are certain side rooms you can farm to make the game easier. hiemo-jima (sp?) has a bunch of stratch tubers and a hater that you can revisit over and over to get tons of kill coins and exp for your weapons. okusa has 3 golden snails that always spawn there (which you can knock off a wall by throwing a live beast at them) and if you send any of your fighters on expedition there they’ll always come back with some. I can’t remember exactly on which floors they are on but it’s easy to look them up. I wouldn’t suggest grinding too much since it’s just, uh, boring, honestly, and it doesn’t break the game nor make you super good at it, but if you need any help getting premium decals or leveling up your fighters here you go.
also, the center area on the 11th floor has a bunch of chests and no enemies aside from a hater and an easily avoidable miniboss, so it’s always best to check it out every time you go in the tower in case you need floor 11-20 blueprints since you can ride the elevator there.
anyways sorry about the long post!!! I hope any of this info helps???