. .: :[ LET IT DIE ]: :. .

Yes, that seems to be the idea, but I still find it funny, in a “standard videogame design” kind of way.

Also, it’s unlike me to say this but the female character’s starting pants seem pretty uncomfortable to run/fight in. They look like they will fall off any second.

A friend is letting me borrow their PS4 because the disc drive is broken and I wanted to play this on it. Does this game require PS+ to play or can it be played in anyway without PS+ since it’s an always online featured game?

it can be played without ps+
i guess because the multiplayer is kind of indirect?

If I leave characters to defend my lobby and they get killed, do I lose them permanently?

There’s a small chance that they can be kidnapped, but otherwise no. If they are kidnapped you can pay a ransom to get them back within 48 hours (I think), or rescue them yourself in a revenge raid.

I tried a revenge raid last night on the player who had attacked me earlier. That player’s fighters had impressive-looking equipment, but I still beat them all without too much trouble and smashed one of the banks before running out of time. It wasn’t terribly effectual because they were almost empty, but at least I got to try that aspect of the game without feeling mean.

I then attempted a second invasion of a random player in the “Rescue” list, thinking that was a way to free someone else’s fighters (and therefore, again, not simply be picking on some random innocent player). But that base was totally unguarded and had no one in its cells. Maybe they’d had captives but they were freed before my arrival. I’m not sure.

At this point, I have not made it very high in the tower. Instead I have been retreading lower areas to find blueprints and upgrade equipment.

I’m still wondering how this game will make money, as it’s been pretty generous with the Death Metal items so far. Maybe it gets a lot tougher later on and you end up running out of and purchasing more in the same way you’d insert another quarter after dying in an arcade game. But that would seem to apply to only the more devoted players, a potentially small group.

Whenever they start offering those Express Passes, I will probably get one just to support the game.

It’s honestly really smart to keep going around in the first ten floors before progressing to the next ‘tier’ because there’s a big difficulty spike even in that first area afterwards. There’s so much stuff that I haven’t found in floors 1-10 because of the ever-shifting nature, all the paths, and as evidenced by my incomplete sticker rally. Now, it’s a lot harder.



leave it to me ™ of course, to hypothecize about a suda 51 game and its lore, but i dont think the game is taking place in “multiple realities” as people describe all over the internet. i think the basic setup of the story is that all of the computer hardware parts in the bodies is what lets you, The Player, Control them, and the arcade exists in the same world the tower of barbs does - it’s just the remote-control bodies allow for easier exploration of the tower of barbs itself and less a loss of human life


Does anyone else laugh everytime the gamer at the arcade suggest he has more time to give to you than usual because he has “eight frames to talk”



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the characterization is pretty good, and, more importantly, it’s characters we don’t see in videogames. When Grasshopper pulls this off (and doesn’t utterly fail at the rest of the game) it reminds me why they’re useful.

Or, it looks like they’ve pulled out of the tailspin of aggressive stylization post-No More Heroes – it’s still within the NMH ‘house style’ but not as roughly sketched.


Wouldn’t it be something if one of your fighters were to come across the arcade at some point? Seems unlikely but it’s fun to consider. They never really talk about what it’s like in the world of the arcade, do they?

I finally found out what the Jackals are. I’d heard about them vaguely in relation to that patch that was applied to the game the other day. If you really aren’t intended to defeat them and it took that one player 14 hours or whatever it was, then I wonder why there is a quest to kill one of them.

I appreciate a game where I can say “Fuck the Haters” and have it be perfectly accurate. Enjoying it on the same level as Tokyo Jungle.


feels like there are small things in the tower that reference the world outside being mostly livable/okay to live in.
i mean, every Suda 51 game/grasshopper game takes palce in a dystopia where it’s still perfectly livable, like Santa Destroy in NMH

it being a massive jab at sfv’s eight frames of lag is pretty funny, honestly

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A couple familiar names.


Hmph, yep. As of tonight, The Jackals are back. Stay safe out there, my tower of barbs pals.

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What is everyone’s favorite weapon? Mine is Hammber because of its brutal strength, but I maxed it out a while back and am sad that I have to mix it up for variety/leveling efficiency.

if we’re ginna credit a director in this way we should at least say Hideyuki Shin