In Awe of Some Games, doin' them Quick 2025 Ed.

do we care?

Lego Hobbit
Sonic Origins
F-Zero GX

sold :servbotsalute:

Quick Games Done Games


I take umbrage at Doronko Wanko being in the middle of the awful block. It’s a fun student project out of BB Studio making good on the original premise of Katamari Damacy of just running around breaking everything.

The Dick Tracy run was fun, interesting to see how far back “drive around a city and enter buildings” gameplay reaches. I am strongly considering staying up to 4am to watch the G-Saviour run.


oops, forgot this was happening

as usual, most of the stuff i’d want to really watch is at hours i won’t be able to watch it

will put it on when i get home and inevitably get angry at the hosts and crowd

really wanna see the Gauntlet IV run, and i bet Batman Forever Arcade will be something

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I’ll watch vods of games I like and cringe comps of bad hosts


tbh, for the last three or four events, it has been this

and this

Most of the time, and i like the event more that way — because you can skip boring runs, obnoxious runners & couch, “andthenthishappenedLOL”-type of commentary and watch other runs instead.


G-Saviour turned out to be, like many gundam games, a cool game that sucks. Seemed like they wanted to make a lightgun game where you still controlled the avatar, and moved around at high speed. Unfortunately they also wanted boss battles, but weren’t sure how to get that working in the engine, so they put in stubby melee combat that mostly kills you in one hit.


I think I appreciate GDQ products more and more even as I don’t enjoy them as much. They’re just so wholesome and un-edgy and never shilling gambling.

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they do have the ‘if you donate you have a chance to win (expensive gaming object)’ constantly


Charity raffles are different!

Fair, though

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This SMB race with all four players on one screen is a super impressive technical demonstration.

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is this the first time they’ve run Superman 64 at the optimal resolution?

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sick burrrrnnn…
but i saw the credits for the first time, heh :tarothink:

other runs checked out already:

Who Shot Johnny Rock? features some awesome acting (that is worth suffering through some of the partly obnoxious couch-commentary)

Inspector Gadget — lucky to have dodged that back then (and god is that crap)



Extreme schadenfreude seeing this system being exploited into the ground. Turns out you can sequence break the game such that you can grind to endgame level in less than half an hour.


This clip from the aftermath of a map rando race a couple months ago is Required Viewing if you want to begin to understand the some of the banter between the runners during the Super Metroid race.

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apparently they played ane-san for the pc-engine on this, and my olde review of it got nearly 200 views because of that


I didn’t even watch the map rando and this clip is peak cinema

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i don’t understand it but i like the three nested facecams two of which are the same person and all the pretty lights