I have spent the last hour reading about the Bust a Groove series. I would like to present you with the highlights of my research, culled mostly from http://bust-a-groove.wikia.com/.
Please listen to this song as you read this post
The first entry I read was for Hiro. He might remind you of someone you all know and love. Don’t guess who just yet, though! Please…hold your tongue until you finish reading this paragraph.
Stumped? Of course not. You’re clearly playing dumb for my amusement. But I’ll humor you. I’ll give you another hint…
I know you clutched your chest as you read that final line. It’s true…you think Hiro and I would have it all, but sadly that’s not the case. We have our hardships. Despite being so beautiful and…
Some characters have model swaps. Hiro’s is a gorilla named Hustle Kong. He is the more modest, down to earth Donkey Kong: he wears boxing trunks rather than a tie. He is not putting on any airs.
This wiki is pretty thorough but it’s got some key info wrong. Such as Hiro being similar to John Travolta when he’s actually based on me and no one else.
At least one of these games features a dinosaur named “McLoad”. There’s also a dog named “Burger Dog”. He runs a fast food restaurant that employees Hamm, a fat man in his 30s who loves hamburgers. I am nothing like Hamm. Hamm has a job. Hamm’s theme is titled “I Luv Hamburgers”.
Kitty Nakajima is a “lovable and cuddly” TV star. But much like Hiro and I her life is an empty joke because she’s missing the one thing she needs most…
I was totally straight until a similar incident happened to me. It was during breakfast though.
The English version of Bust a Move is titled Bust a Groove. It has English lyrics. They removed all the references to alcohol and fast food brands and the n word. The Japanese songs are almost all better, even though I’m not a fan of brands or slurs. Compare and contrast and please offer your opinions…in the comments.
The high pitched “Kitty N!” for player 2 is cute. If it’s a mirror match you’re going to root for player 2, cuz the announcer made them way cuter.
Actually I think I like the English version better now. I think those assholes who called me a “weeb” at that party a few months back owe me an apology.
I am nothing like Pinky. I’m not weird and your secrets are always safe with me. But…I’d love to know her…if you know what I mean.
It turns out nearly every single character in these games is working through some horrible trauma by dancing. Such as Heat, “the fire boy with an average body temperature of 45 degrees,” who almost died in a race car accident but survived, gaining the ability to control fire, and dance good. Or Strike, “a notorious street gangster and managed to do something bad to get in the state penitentiary.” That something may be all the cops he shoots at the end of the first game, but the Wiki isn’t clear on that.
“Freedom” is just another word for “surprise pranking with gun’s.” Dunno if you knew that.
There’s also Gas-O, the patricidal terrorist, and his daddy Bi-O, who is sadly a zombie and not a cutie who’s down for all kinds of good times.
This is yet another character I have absolutely nothing in common with.
For some reason Bi-O’s theme sounds nothing like “Thriller” or “The Monster Mash” or any Edgar Winter Group songs.
I do not know what “bleed in overtime” means but I’m going to do my best to make it the hot new street slang of 2018.
Finally we have Kelly, who in the first game is all about that ABDL life.
Rubberized rabbit suit parties are not my scene so perhaps I shouldn’t be speaking here…but I gotta think such a suit would be affordable on an investment banker/secretary’s salary. I think perhaps I should sign up for Wikia and attach a [citation needed] to this entry.
In the second game Kelly is all grown up and maybe the one thing even worse than an investment banker: a cop. Judging by this image search cop Kelly is way more popular, which is not what I would have expected.
I am the Bust-a-Groove world champion. No one can defeat me. The key is learning how the game desynchs from the music, which is really awesome in a rhythm fighting game.
Got real competitive on both games with the same friends, eventually. We felt so cool busting moves and grooves in the game room of some Florida Con, 2001. Double KOs perfect matches or whatever. There was a slick Heat cosplayer involved.
Back when I started making crappy techno, Scream Dracula Scream had one of my first chop and loops - Robo Z’s Flying To Your Soul.