I don’t think any of those are Goofus Moments; it’s more that it’s a lot harder than players and developers think to adequately communicate all the weird little things that you’re supposed to do in a videogame. This is why the NUX (New User eXperience) or tutorial design is so incredibly important and difficult to do right.
I think my biggest goofus moment was in Megaman Legends where you get to the part as you leave the mayor before the Bonnes start the raid on the city. There’s a point where you see Tron hanging on a lamp held hostage by a dog. I was stuck on this part for weeks because I didn’t press the talk button between them in the right order. I was stuck on it so hard I would start a fresh game just to play the intro section again hoping that it might’ve been some kind of glitch that might readjust by the time I got back to it. I remember getting such a huge rush when I finally hit the right logic flags to shoo the dog away and get the game moving again. I think I read that in the japanese version you could just kick the dog to continue the dialouge and believe you me, I kicked at that dog so much cuz I hated how it held me up for so long.
I have played Ocarina of Time twice and never figured out where the fishing is
There’s been more than one shmup where I don’t realize there’s, like, a bomb button until I’ve attempted many a run
i bought a switch at the end of last week with link’s awakening and the ninja warriors once again
even as a staunch nintendo hater i can’t front on link’s awakening and i also can’t overstate how much ninja warriors fucking rules so this is going considerably better than when i bought a wii-u
cleared a couple of chapters of death stranding but as i said in the main thread, it’d be so much better with a cocteau twins soundtrack via spotify but everything is a ‘blocked scene’ and the actual soundtrack sounds like some lad who really wants to be thom yorke
I felt this way about pistol whip vr
I watched a Let’s Play of Iris Fall this evening (well, I skipped through a lot of it). The game is short, and pretty, but it truly just seemed like the kind of game that would sit on my Steam wishlist forever otherwise.
I just finished mainlining Napple Tale into my brain
god bless the souls who translated it and made it playable without a faq or tons of trial and error
it is ultimately a jank adventure game with occasional platforming segments and easy bosses and mostly consists of running errands
I fucking love it
it’s the most charming thing, between all the characters, the music (my god the music) and the thematic interweaving of story and stage and visual design
it is almost, almost the platonic ideal of a magical girl simulator
I want Sega to pull this out of the vault or dumpster or wherever they threw all the late Dreamcast games and polish this one and give it a shiny new release and I want to buy a legit copy to own and cherish
I’ve been waiting for someone to report back on it and i’m already curious enough to want to check it out
I wanted to post one of shots I took of Porch doing her best Rock but I can’t without coming off as insulting
i got lunatic dawn yesterday for $6 and it’s a really awesome, ludicrously ambitious open world game where you try to make a living at being an adventurer.
that looks intimidating! also it totally belongs in this thread
ahhh i love MILLIONS OF TINY WINDOWS so much
i thought this was, like, a music making program at first glance
holy shit
it’s by artdink!
That wallpaper tho
OH MY GOD Polybius is finally doing VR through Steam properly in the beta channel,
and it’s so crisp, so clear, and so COLOR and I’m dancing as I’m melting
basically whenever!
ok I think I’ve exhausted all my cones through 2019
I have played through REmake2 three times. It is okay. Weird how it is grafted modern game to a 20 year old game. The bosses are still just shoot a lot and cheat with geometry to avoid getting attacked. There is not finesse and skill in dodging them or knowing that you are doing damage.
I think a lot of the game hinges of memory of RE2 for gravitas. Which makes it weaker overall. It doesn’t really explain itself that much.