I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

yeah i have a feeling it gets a little deeper when you’re off the starting planet but I am enjoying the writing so far, especially for a Bethesda-style game

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I’m going to stick with it for a bit for sure. So far I am whelmed you might say, but I’m trying to keep an open mind.

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Got up to the final boss in The Suffering, got to its final form, died, had the game freeze when trying to reload at the last checkpoint, found out that while I set it to save at checkpoints it didn’t really and lost three chapters worth of progress.


Anyways made my way back and beat it, managed to get the good ending apparently which was… moderately surprising.

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Finished the first act of Freespace 2 main campaign.

Is pretty fun, after getting used to focus my shields and manage my energy management, i am surviving a lot more.

i love how the big battles actually feels big, especially when i first meet big Shivan ship.

Feels way more intense to keep watch out bombs going to friendly frigates to shoot, aiming at parts of a enemy ship (i have no idea how names of vessels in space works) i even managed to send my wingmen early to base without them dying, incredible!

Good thing i decided to print a cheat sheet to check commands without the need of alt tabbing, helps a lot.

after the first act i finished the undercover missions that are really good, and also some pretty good music

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i don’t khow much to comment, but i did finished The Suffering 1 wayy back on the PS2, i don’t remember as much.

i remember at first i played the demo for 2 on the Shaolin Monks discs, but all the shops that sold illegal copies, only had 1 with the artbox of 2 somehow.
Even torrents websites only had 1 but with the name of 2, and one of them had a video of goatse if i remember correctly on kaazaa

Yeah I beat that Outer Worlds. I guess I liked it but I felt really underwhelmed in a few areas!? I really wish the game was weirder, and it’s sorta missing this nebulous “third layer” that would really draw me into the world, like the Vaults in Fallout. I played on Hard, but the game was still so easy that it’s like you would have to make the conscious choice NOT to put all your points into speech since you end up with so many skill points, and the speech checks for disguises is so low that the last area in the game is basically trivial.

I also didn’t think the quests or companions were particularly interesting, I think the problem is that the good guys and bad guys were so extreme that it was honestly hard to care. Probably the most fun I had with the game was on my second playthrough where I could just skip most of the game since I knew the critical path, and this game let’s you kill NPC’s to skip their quest line. Hopefully with that Microsoft money they can do something way better next time.

So yeah, not as good as Outer Wilds, imho.


i’m easily pleased, i guess

good guys and bad guys might be extreme, though if so some of the obvious bad guys are also companions you can have. me? i considered wasting vicar max. he’s still breathing, but he won’t be joining my crew. idk, i find myself caring. kind of a lot!

it does seem to feel like it’s a lot more restricting in scope and a certain element of depth compared to something like new vegas. it’s structured way more like a mass effect 2 w/ small, very densely packed little pockets of new vegas. which makes enough sense if you consider the concept. and i mean, i can’t say no to a game like this that’s gonna last me ~25 hours when i’ve been playing nothing but dragon quest and final fantasy lately…

anyhow, so maybe it’s not the dream game, the best game, or even a particularly great game…? i think it’s good and i’m enjoying my time with it (largely thanks to its writing (and while totally breezy its shooting is fun, too (uhhhh, though my two companions pretty much melt everything for me, even on hard)))


it kind of misses the point to say this is about pentatonic scales. pentatonic scales are common in many forms of music. in fact, what makes the so-called “oriental riff” sound like east asian music is its use of open fourths more than the mode.

which is to say it’s racist because it has a history of being blindly applied to a variety of diverse cultures that were all lumped under the colonial notion of “oriental”, and has strong associations with extremely ugly racist stereotypes

also it sucks, is a massively tired cliche, and if you use it in a composition you’re a complete hack and shouldn’t be allowed to play music anymore. sorry rush.

good further reading on the subject here


I definitely think it’s cliche and uninteresting

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idk I don’t think you need to frame it as being easily pleased, I think it’s OK to just enjoy a solid videogame now and then without needing it to be The Best Game Ever Made


Also I don’t think I’m missing any point? I’m just referring to the suikoden 2 song that tuxedo linked, which sounded fine to me

Like as someone with no context for suikoden and no idea what kind of culture or theme the song is intending to portray, strictly as a melodic composition I thought it was catchy and cute, and that it was the song y’all were talking about

I do want to pick up outer worlds but I think I’ll hold off for a little while until it goes down in price for an idiot like me who doesn’t have an xbox OR windows 10


I don’t believe anyone called that song racist. I can’t speak for @iguferon but I think she was thinking of a different song, maybe from another game?


I misunderstood the situation

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yeah I think I was thinking of a song from another ps1 JRPG that I got mixed up with Suikoden, which means that I’m the real racist here. Sorry everyone



soundtrack with no purpose beyond “intellectual referencing” sucks in general

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I´m enjoying Blasphemous a lot but agree with everyone saying Blasphemous it’s not quite working perfectly

I wish everything in the game was more in line with its art direction and themes

The main character is too much of a videogame badass. I want Verdelet from Drakengard as the protagonist of this game: somebody cowardly, desperate, constantly wailing, relunctantly going through the story because he feels he must and not because he wants to.

The game is not quite punishing and intimidating enough. Death is never a problem so there’s never a reason to hesitate between backtracking and pushing through. Every area feels manageable, unlike Dark Souls / Hollow Knight where every area feels too difficult. I’m not saying that every game needs to have all this, but this one really did


The dying thing can even be used to make bossfights easier, dying on a boss let you keep the guilty fragment there, and when you pick it up, you gain more health.

Is like a extra flask of health free, and i don’t feel like the prayers are that useful on bosses, except one that i managed to kill really fast with the first player, so quickly i skipped the last part of the fight.

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Being able to grab the breasts of any female character in Policenauts is an alltime worst verb.


Between the Best Buy fun money I had on hand (and the fun money earned for pre-ordering it) I did the bad thing and went ahead and got Modern Warfare and played two matches, so here’s my ~HOT TAKE~:

I think I’m gonna go back to Black Ops 4. Or maybe install that other Modern Warfare that came with IW.

It’s…hmm! They made some decisions on this one.

Namely, the maps have about a dozen points (doors, windows, nooks, crannies, etc.) people can hide in and shoot you from at pretty much any given moment? The second gunfire kicks in it’s almost impossible to tell where it’s coming from. I mean, there’s a minimap, but it doesn’t seem to serve any useful purpose as far as I can tell.

Also all your movement is loud as hell and your characters do the thing like Siege where they automatically call out enemy contacts/reloading/etc., except it would appear that in nu-Modern Warfare your opponents can hear those callouts.

So, yeah, if you’re sneaking up on someone camping, your dude will just holler right as you spot them.

Cool stuff! Probably needs more time in the oven. Didn’t touch the campaign yet.

I paid $10 for it/10 so far.

edit: I guess if they’re gonna go and make a bad tactical game with this one I could also just…finally try and learn Siege.