finished mutazione just before my apple Arcade trial ran out! It’s only like 5 hours long but I don’t really do long phone sessions and it was a busy month.
It’s a very nice Euro VN. I actually wish they’d made the per-act actraiser placement puzzles marginally more complicated because I actually like those in general and they’re the only non dialogue or walking gameplay but they’re pleasant and fit the rest of the game well enough.
Definitely the most worthwhile experience on this free trial subscription service imo
Also finished wuppo which is best described as a game maker paper Mario set in a slightly more pleasantly ironized world made by Dutch people. Also about five hours.
Now I can finally play the goose game before I block out the next couple months for dragon quest and disco
the birth of my dragon son is an epochal event for my lizard people and I chose to take him with me so he might learn about the world as suggested by his lizard mother but if he is summoned to aid me in battle, etc. we cannot engage in a father/son chat
After I eliminated the Big Name Threats I summoned my dragon son to finish off the stragglers. Just skipped turns and buffed the lad while he chased a Marksman around the arena.
The Where They Are Now pre-credits end-game summary featured absolutely no mention of my proud and beautiful dragon son, the first Great Red Dragon to be born in centuries, harbinger of a New Age of Lizard.
For I guess a couple years now I’ve been slowly working through the Metal Slug games in the PS4 collection. Some I’ve played several times before on other platforms, but today I realized that I’d never played 5. It has some unique set pieces that I’m sure I would have remembered. And I guess that probably means that I’ve never played 6, either.
I’m really good at the first three levels of Metal Slug X and then literally any segment of the Metal Slug series is impossibly difficult and cryptic. I love these games to death but they certainly do bank on players who actively want to practice it.
I don’t know anyone that’s played this, what’s it like? I like jrpgs and actual monster hunter so it’s a wonder I haven’t tried it but seemingly almost no one else has either.
it’s you and a semi controlled ai monster buddy against the world with a rock paper scissors weakness system. you got your buffs and skills and you can ride monsters
I think my apathy for Shovel Knight comes from how it treats life and death. You either die from an attrition battle against a boss or platforming one hit kill. This releases part of your money. It is either easily collected from the boss battle or in a place that would almost certainly result in another death in the platforming challenge.
The game also encourages exploration and I have a constant sneaking dread that this bottomless hole isn’t bottomless but TREASURE. That I need to buy upgrades I don’t think i even want or need. Even though they do a great job of giving gameplay altering powerups.
Point is in Specter Knight using the subweapon is Triangle but in Shovel it is up and square. The end.
I played about a half an hour of The Count Lucanor and I dunno I think I’m just unimpressed by 2Spoopy pixelart horror games no matter what twists are introduced. Moving on to the next thing.
A few hours deep into Dishonored 2 and it sure is a lot more of the first game. I might not make it all the way through, but I’m just about up to the part that a lot of folks said is the highlight of the game so I’m at least going to check that part out.
There are two really, really cool levels in Dishonored 2: The Clockwork Mansion (level 4) and A Crack in the Slab (level 7). The rest of the levels are basic Dishonored levels and they’re good in that sense but if you’re looking for the cool new stuff those two levels are where it’s at.
Also Death of the Outsider is really good in that it’s like concentrated/condensed Dishonored 2. I’d say play that instead but you’re already playing the regular game and it’s got some really good levels so I’d keep going.