I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

intergalactic fishing. odd cross of elite and… fishing sim. super nice though. there’s a tetris-like minigame to make lures that match fish preferences, which you learn by catching, dissecting, and talking to other fishers. there’s quests and stuff and eventually (not there yet) procgen.


the lure development screen is a little tetris-y boardgame where how you place the pieces on your board determines your lure stats


Wow. And people said Sphere Grid was too arbitrary and abstract. Seems kind of brilliant though, I can imagine it forces interesting tradeoffs on combinations.


Yeah! It’s pretty simple actually. Once you understand how it works (which is a lot quicker than it seems!) you can custom tune lures efficiently.

  • Shiny is determined by which edge squares are occupied
  • Loud is determined by enclosed gaps in the lure
  • Large is determined by how many pieces i use and their size
  • Bright is determined by average of piece color ratings (Black = 0, White = 100)
  • Buoyancy is determined by how many squares are in the upper and lower halves. Higher buoyancy than weight makes lures float, and vice versa makes them sink.

All the simulation stuff in this is pretty simple but I’m enjoying it a lot because it’s about constant experimentation in search of the right answer.


It’s the same as Mega Man: Battle Network, except in that game you’re specifically trying to line up your blocks on a line

Hyper Light Drifter (PS4): reminds me of my first experience with Super Metroid in a lot of ways, though it doesn’t really stack up


holy SHIT

Thank you Broco, for summarizing what I would say pretty well. It is notable that even games at the time were avoiding this problem (Halo 2, which is easily the worst Bungie Halo, came out the same month as HL2 and largely avoided this feeling (while completely having problems of its own)) and more games have gotten good at this as time goes on. HL2 suffers so much from not feeling like I am a person in a world, but a camera floating in a level.

This will be my last post on this here, don’t @ me.


look i haven’t yet but i think i’m gonna play a star war
i downloaded it and it ran on seemingly ok on my g3258

house party is the best.



I think it’s amazing that all the story and characterization in the warriors orochi series is delivered with the same care and craft as the fuck! my iq decreased at school today (smashes coffee cup over head) evangelion flash dating game’s dialogue


i played a little bit of shining the holy ark

i was not expecting aliens and spooky possessions!

but damn, what a nice and snappy dungeon crawler


Hyper Light Drifter (PS4): Had to delete the save shortly before reaching the first boss. I suspect the upgrade from 30 fps to 60 may have been a mistake.

edit: La-Mulana (PS4): still miss the MSX style of the old freeware release, but the option of using the original soundtrack is appreciated.


I wanted a new couch co-op game and got Cook Serve Delicious!! 2

It reminds me of the Gut-Buster from Malcolm in the Middle

Boys, they’re called Gut-Busters. They take a sausage, stuff it with cheese, wrap it with bacon and shove it in a deep-fat fryer full of lard. They’re indescribable.

The meals are all supposed to look delicious but they’re honestly all over the place on the Delicious to Sickening scale


Preparing a ton of these meals as fast as possible is an uniquely hypnotizing and compelling experience, perhaps a strong unintentional critique of American consumption

I have never yelled at my TV as much when playing a videogame…
« Gummi Bears? As seasoning??? »
« Please do not ask me to add chocolate syrup to your already gross desert »
« Enjoy your decadent fucking meal sir »


Been playing a bunch of DOOM Eternal as of late. Been enjoying the customization, I was not expecting them to go nearly as far on the customization as they did. The variety of melee weapons was pretty unexpected, too, though I find myself most enjoying the fists.

DOOM girl pics

Anyway, have also been playing a ton of Hardcore Mecha as of late. Really enjoying the endless battle mode (called simulation). Scratches the same itch Crimsonland used to. Could have a bit more variety in enemy wave composition, but eh, maybe that kicks in at higher rounds.


i made my anime gun into this vibrant disaster of color and named it “ak for girls” before going 32-7 and getting called the f gamer slur about a dozen times at the end of the match. please dont play call of duty. do it for her


Cool Serve Delicious is hypnotically fun but I can’t imagine playing it with a controller, the first one was hard enough on a keyboard

Finished Half-Life 2. For me it’s fantastic, even if in some segments I can understand that it’s a bit too guided. But overall I found it incredibly satisfying and the last levels, especially, are fantastic. Very visionary.
I will have to play the two episodes, now.


I can’t even remember episode 1 but 2 had good moments

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