I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

Sewer Shark is legitimately hilarious because your boss is constantly chewing scenery and the perfidious Mayor Stenchler is played by the “don’t fuck with your brain, pal!!” guy from Total Recall

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off world interceptor extreme on saturn has two silhouetted guys mst3k-ing all the fmv cutscenes

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Beat YS V. The battle system was clunky to be honest. Good story and characters tho, also an excellent length at about 8 hours. Magic was completely pointless except for one tiny area. I dont think you could use it against bosses at all even.


after running through the ivalice raids in ffxiv with the BUTTS last night i got the urge to play some fft! i haven’t played it in ages! so, after @physical recommended a specific romhack which adds certain features from the psp version without altering the script (and also introduces ashley riot as a secret character) and i gave that a brief look, i found myself slipping into a rabbit hole of WHICH VERSION DO I ACTUALLY WANT TO PLAY AND FINISH? i haven’t actually played the psp version before so i don’t really have any perspective on it other than my awareness that omits certain familiar lines (“blame yourself or god,” etc.) while also changing stuff like ‘death corps’ to the cooler and i guess more accurate ‘corpse brigade’. it also has kinda wonky graphics (even with the slowdown patch) and doesn’t emulate quite as well, so.

anyway. which version(s) do y’all recommend? should i have made this into a thread of its own? i wanna know more about how the psp version compares, but most likely i care more about the psx version and romhacks that alter stuff, whether they include the psp version’s script or not. there are quite a few to choose from. i might just stick w/ the one physical recommended! but i’m curious! thanks!


ah shit


uh oh look what you’ve done felix

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this is a recurring topic and there’s already a thread about it. I think there’s some more discussion is probably buried somewhere deep in this thread too

there was this too

edit: this post reads pretty mean and I make it sound like you should know but that wasn’t my intention, I was just being terse


In Felix’s defense I think he was going for


felix and I have had very public beef on this site and I’d just like to say that he’s totally okay like, 80% of the time. I promise!


public beef would be a great name for a deli


the last thing your wife needs is for you to be running some kind of italian deli

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if you open a deli called public beef im opening my strip club called ‘pubic beef’ nextdoor and then we can have a business beef


im just gonna sit out front in a lawn chair sunbathing alone like paulie walnuts


Signature sandwich would be La Petit Mortadella


I started up Final Fantasy XV and… I do not think I was adequately prepared for it. As stated before I haven’t played a Final Fantasy game (excluding Theatrhythm) since FF X and I guess I was expecting it to like… still be a jrpg? At least early on it feels like an open world almost action game that aside from having a Cid and a chocobo on a sign shares like no surface dna with the series at all.

I think I like it better this way as an odd road trip game.


this whole convo read pretty casual to me fwiw

what else is there to a megathread than to bring up the same topics over and over


I’d like to talk to everyone today about dragon’s dogma


one time in Dragon’s Dogma a harpy picked me up and dropped me like 100 feet and my incredibly tall & strong warrior lady companion plucked me out of the air and gracefully set me down


that was the closest I’ve ever come to falling in love with a videogame character