I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

Yeah. Not getting hopes up but basically the answer from the horse’s mouth is “Probably but idk”

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was going to play pd on pc but they’ve got a timed exclusive thing going on

This is my ninja fashion way.


or do they?


Really wish Zwei was more widely available although Saturn emulators are pretty good nowadays. It is pretty much a huge improvement over PD1 in every way although PD1’s soundtrack is really nice. Saga took some adjusting to but it is really pretty and has a battle system that I think does a good job of mapping the feel of a rail shooter onto a 90s JRPG. It kind of dragged towards the end and I would probably just avoid the last disc or watch a youtube of it.

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Animal Crossing isn’t hitting like it used to. Can’t really bring myself to stay interested in doing Island Chores. I’ll still check in for like 15 minutes, I guess.

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This is how I felt about City Folk. There’s only so much Animal Crossing for me in a 5 year rolling period, I think


because i am the last person on earth who still cares about the game, i played through the new fantastic four dlc for ultimate alliance 3. and wow holy shit, it’s an actual story mode, with cutscenes and dialogue, as opposed to just more challenge missions. though if you’re going to play the epilogue on the hardest difficulty and unlock the super secret sixth dlc character, you should get your characters as close to level 300 as you can, because the celestial fight will take fucking forever otherwise.

unfortunately, the ending (i would put a spoiler tag here but who cares it’s a marvel property we know how these end) is basically the game saying BUY MARVEL ULTIMATE ALLIANCE 4 (whenever it comes out) IT’S TOTALLY GOING TO HAVE GALACTUS IN IT MAYBE


saga is 200% canon front to back imo, a top 5 alltime game. agree that zwei is better than 1 tho


Yeah, now that I’m remembering it the part of Saga I didn’t like was a repetitive optional dungeon backtracking thing and unlocked some ability you didn’t even need. Dragging on is really not the word you can use to describe it because it’s like 15-20 hrs at most. And movement/overworld traversal along with the battle system was great.

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ive played a heap of stuff recently

dandara: good action, good bosses. i played the new expanded version which i think suffers a bit bc i got lost in the expansion area without knowing they were optional when i kinda just wanted to get to the end

shin megami tensei digital devil saga: suffers held next to nocturne but what doesnt? its kind of breathtakingly slow. the intro song whips.

radiant historia: this is kinda underwhelming, i think im like 3/4 thru and there still hasn’t been a genuinely good fight, the battle system is totally underutilised. most of the bosses to date have just been a stronger group of the same soldier sprites or whoever im usually fighting against. the environments are really bland too. im playing the 3ds remake which afaik ruined the economy by making you more or less totally dependent on a new voidspace w its own internal economy to grind for new weps and stuff. it rlly takes you out of the game. also the ui and character art is worse. i think i wld like it more if i were playing the original ver


i’m at 394/400 racers beaten in genki’s Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero (aka Shutokou Battle Zero) for PS2

mostly a very cool game but now i have to spend hours driving around either manually or on autopilot to rack up the mileage to race the last few wanderers and it is

a lot



wow they finally added a story DLC, guess i should actually check this out!!

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Mega Man 5 sucks and Mega Man 6 sucks even harder

If I ever said I liked Mega Man, I lied


2 is good. 1 and 3 are kinda good.

The only good mega man is the gameboy one


the gameboy is definitely the only platform i’ve ever thought the series looked good on. the flatness and chunkiness seem more at home there, like there’s a more appropriate sense of weight or something.

even my general infatuation with NES aesthetics can’t save mega man 1-6 from reading like kinda flimsy, slapped-together flash games to my fickle brain


There were five gameboy ones. They were all outsourced.

II was made by ‎Japan System House.

how do you live your life being so incorrect all the time