I can't believe today was a good play (Games you played today)

I play Moira, actually. More than half of my games I end up getting most elims, damage, and healing. I will literally be the better healer and when tanks overextend they always claim me as the reason they died, even if our team wins and even if I’m responsible for finishing off most of the low health enemies post-engagement. Overwatch is so saturated in its own forced-meta bleeding that a support class supporting AND doing damage is seen as a negative thing by both the community and the game itself. This is also evident by Symmetra being moved from “support” to “damage”, and the merging of offensive and defensive classes into one role is indicative of the lack of raw mechanical difference between many of the heroes, who are separated solely by “mobility/health/healing power”. The roles are meant to fulfill themselves. The roles and role queue are a contrivance to make the numbers go up and down in as smooth a way as possible, and not to actually create interesting differences in playstyle, because the SINGULAR playstyle of overwatch is “rush to the point and payload and unload all of your leftclicking and abilities until the ememy numbers are lower than your team numbers”.

Widow is actually probably the only shooting class who differs from this, and maybe Ashe and Pharah, and it’s because they’re long range damage dealing classes. But damage falloff STILL EXISTS and most heroes are discouraged from being at any reasonable distance from a fight