i like neocities.org
I’m on NearlyFreeSpeech which I recommend if you are already familiar with what web development used to be like 15-20 years ago and don’t mind paying. I think Neocities is probably the correct choice for anyone completely new to it, especially for free.
what would be a good php host if i were to wannt to organize my bullshit in wiki format?
It’s a hot topic now since (gestures wildly in the direction of Twitter) but I did want to mention a few static site generators for Windows with UIs: Zonelets and AutoSite. These make it easier to maintain a consistent template across all of your site’s pages without manually needing to edit each one, and can be a good starting point. Zonelets is friendlier to people who are just writers wanting a personal website and comes with themes, and AutoSite is more for automating templates you write yourself. Both are good though! (edit: oh thecatamites already linked Zonelets above)
If you’re going to be relatively low-traffic and with low storage requirements, I think NearlyFreeSpeech is not a bad choice. It would cost you probably no more than $3/month for a personal wiki, but it expects you know your way around a server without any Web-facing UI. I don’t pay a ton of attention to who the big-name PHP hosts are nowadays because I’ve been a happy customer for over a decade though. Like Dreamhost is probably still around doing the same thing they’ve always done, and their servers are just fine, but the support is usually crap if you ever need to rely on them.
I have a site with the notes I’ve taken on games since uh 2010 [not really sure what emoticon to use here] the_game_database - static index - 18:13:52 04/14/22
Edit: Oh. No, since 2003. Right.
it’s been so long since I’ve seen a URL with cgi-bin in it
I’ve actually been thinking of dropping Backloggery and rolling my own thing on my site similar to yours, but I’m also incredibly lazy
cgi-bin is my favorite dir ^-^
I need to update this
An interesting article I found this morning about technology shifts on the Web and what was lost with the abandonment of PHP:
I will list some of personal homepages I found while searching game/war/train topic
A club needs a Yellow pages, right?
Alas for the lost art of web 1.0 animated gifs and scrolling text banners.
I remember those D&D sites!
I made a simple club homepage via an outdated template while I’m waiting for someone
(I register this by a 10-minute mail, if anyone wanna edit it just message me)
yoooooo cool, thanks so much!!!
i have a homepage at http://www.ellaguro.com/
the page kinda got cluttered up with stuff now and it doesn’t look as cool as it used to. i def need to change it around again at some point. it would be cool to have something that’s not just a bunch of social media links for the most part, i just never invested enough time in doing that.