There’s nothing frustrating about it for a player who is only aiming for baseline completion + dabbling. There’s a smorgasboard of viable methods and you’ll certainly find one that works for you in short order. It’s the kind of stealth game where it’s trivial to trick guards and run figure-eights around them (in a Vampire Magician costume if you feel like it), not one of those that viciously punishes you for any mistake.

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Just was looking to buy, and there are some real complaints in the steam page. People getting kicked from the game for server maintenance? Apparently some lack of content if you don’t buy the game outright but episodically?
Hell I wouldn’t super care if I could grab it from GMG on the cheap, but those are only Uplay codes. And Uplay is pretty bad.
I’m still gonna check this out, but I wanna figure out this content gap before I throw down money to see if I care.

I’ve seen a lot of people complain about network problems but I’ve never had any since it came out. You do have to be online to play though. I’m not sure what they might mean by lack of content by buying it episodically though

I think my only big complaint with the game is there’s still a lot dependent on the player triggering it for it to happen in the levels. We’re not quite at living worlds. Maybe we’ll have to invent thinking machines that can program videogames for human beings before we can pull that off completely. But I think they could still have some more things in there that develop over time in the level independent of the player. And that’s also a weakness of replaying repeatedly, you expose more of that stuff

I guess I was one of the 3 percent of people to assassinate garey busey silently

So I got the intro episode, still have no bloody clue what people feel they’re missing content wise, unless they mean the weekly missions?

I had a moment that I pushed through, but when you’re acting as the bartender waiting for the target to start yacking and move on with the quest, the talking wouldn’t trigger, and I just stood there forever waiting. I reloaded and he and the lady were talking… super weird.

I haven’t even gotten to the first mission because I’m messing around in the intro still. I think this is a great take on Hitman, but I never played blood money.

Ok, I now feel like I’ve gotten enough out of the intro missions + Paris that I’m willing to buy another. I feel like I’ve had a little too much Mediterranean from just cause 3 (though this is hardly a major complaint) and I’m slightly inclined to buy marrakesh over sapienza; if I were only to get one, would this be a huge mistake?

I think I ended up liking sapienza better but it’s hard to tell. every level I go through the same routine. an assassination or two in I hit a wall and think I liked the last one better but eventually force myself to push through, work through the challenges, then I start to see the paths opening up, etc. and there is the hotel level coming out tuesday and hotel levels are usually the best hitman levels.

if you buy it episodically do you not get the summer bonus thing cause I thought that was interesting. normally in sapienza your targets are all in this mansion and the whole town area is just used for getting your tools and disguises and ingresses, and in the bonus mission, the whole mansion area is blocked off and it’s all focused on the town square area this time around. and the target is bulletproof. it’s a nice inversion. the marrakesh bonus mission is similar too, it’s got two targets in the big bazaar area in the middle of the map that’s kind of not used all that much in the regular mission, which I think is maybe why I didn’t like that one so much. the bazaar feels a lot bigger than the town area in sapienza for not as much use. after repeatedly playing the mission a bunch it started to feel like a lot of dead space to have to navigate through until they came out with that bonus mission. I always liked african settings in games and stuff ever since quest for glory 3 though.

I got marrakesh and I’m really loving every minute of this, the attention to detail and the verisimilitude are really incredible. The only Io game I’d played before this was dog days and I had no idea they were able to maintain that level of quality.

The pacing is also just really nice. I originally got this game to be a palate cleanser after all the trivialized neck snaps in uncharted but it has such great level design.

Pretty competitive with the witness for best thing I’ve played this year

I killed a coup plotter by kicking a toilet onto his head and then snapped Julian Assange’s neck while giving him a massa[n]ge

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next episode, FREEDOM FIGHTERS, is a big farm in colorado that’s a militia training ground with 4 targets.

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how’s colorado? I still only have paris and marrakesh

It’s got a nice fall ambiance. they said this one was supposed to be the most difficult one so far though but I snuck up onto a water tower with a smuggled in rifle and killed all four targets almost right away my first try at it. then my next attempt I did the sa/so with fiber wire. I like to do the sniper and suit only silent assassin challenges as soon as possible so then I can just mess around and not have to worry about killing people or not using disguises. I kind of don’t like knocking people out in these stealth games where they helpfully stay asleep the rest of the level. it just feels too convenient a way to stay bloodshed free. I’d rather kill them if I can’t avoid them even though it penalizes you for that.

the rumor is the last level in japan is going to be a hospital, which could be really interesting. a classic setting for hitting men in books and movies and whatnot but hasn’t ever been a hitman level.

I hope the next elusive contract isn’t in paris again. I think 6 of the 10 so far have been there.

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when will the teasing end, IO?

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I’ve been told that almost everyone in this mission is hostile to you which doesn’t sound like fun to me – granted, the Russian chess player training mission was technically the same way but it was trivially easy to get a new disguise at the start. What’s the deal here exactly? I specifically like Hitman because the actual sneaking is used very sparingly.

You can just put on a disguise and it’s like every other level while in a disguise. but it’s a militia camp your infiltrating so there are no safe areas in you default outfit

ok I’m buyin it

oops, not a big fan of this one, could’ve guessed. Too po-faced and claustrophobic.


the complex moral choices of videogames:

physical research center = break his neck
research department = invent a disease to kill him
surgery life support = perform surgery badly
defibrillator power = set him on fire

I liked this level. the hospital is a secret super hospital for rich criminals built into the side of a mountain, so it’s kind of more like another hotel level than some busy public hospital. an ai runs the hospital and there’s microchips embedded in the patient clothes and employee uniforms that determine your access to certain areas. it also controls safety protocols on all the equipment. so you can’t just flick a switch and kill the guy with a defibrilator or whatever. your admitted as a patient so you also start out with no weapons or items. you can probably bring stuff once you unlock other starting locations though. I ended up just going after the heart they’re transplanting into him. the guy has some reversed organ condition so he can’t just get another one. once you finally get access 47 grabs the heart, crushes it and throws it into the trash can like a basketball.