IO have really been firing on all cylinders with this game all year, it’s easily the best thing they’ve ever done apart from dog days
Started playing this a couple weeks back or so, based on Giant Bomb’s recommendation. I think having multiple targets per mission discourages me from replaying them as much as some people seem to. Usually I want to try one specific stupid thing, but then I still have to hit the other objectives on my way out. Probably just need to take more advantage of save states, especially if they let you earn mastery or whatever that way.
Yesterday I managed to separate the female target in Paris from her shadow by repeatedly bumping into him while she was walking in another direction. He was so apologetic. I had to choke out half the people on her floor to clear out a suitable space for her, but I guess they’ll all chalk it up to a collective dream or bad sushi because the game certainly doesn’t consider it evidence of anything.
I think IO are trying to get a cash infusion because they made the first levels free and discounted the others
I finally bought sapienza and hokkaido and I’m looking forward to playing those, the only one I don’t have now is bangkok and I don’t think I’m going to bother?
But Bangkok has a target who looks like Jared Leto
apparently whatever this is it’s not a season 2 though. quit jerking me around just tell me what it is now io
is 47 creating a giant energy orb made of pure ubisoft
ubisoft acquires…io?
A spirit bomb built from the energy of completionism
At first I thought maybe a Bond-esque gun barrel, but it actually looks much more like creamer being stirred into coffee.
What would be really amazing/tasteless is a mission set during a hurricane (evacuation or actual landfall). That could be a lot of fun.
It was a game of the year edition with a bonus campaign with missions in reworked versions of the old levels. Also there’s a tv show coming
they’re revealing the game thursday. the downside to them not being with square enix anymore is io probably won’t have as nice of trailers as before
honestly I thought I got my fill of the last one and I didn’t buy any of the stuff they released after all the levels came out (and I didn’t even get all of those) but just seeing the pit crew scenario it’s like a day one buy for me
they did such a good job on this reboot
hm looks like this one isn’t episodic. not sure that’s the way to go. it worked so perfectly for the last game. I really ended up taking my time and mastering each level.
aye, not episodic this time
I’m just gonna hit buy I think. IO are the best.
petition for hitman fans to crawl back down out of jesper kyd’s ass, come back to civilization, and stop whining about him not composing for hitman games anymore, it’s been 3 hitman games across 12 years now good god let it go already
If you own the first game you get updated versions of all 6 locations from it in this one