Hey Nikki, you're so Infinite

okay i rememebred to take pictures of some outfits this time

i love being cute


played too much Marvel Blizzard TF2

between it and Infinity Nikki, I think we need to ban UE5 until someone can figure out how to make it run good

(I have the game on the lowest settings except for textures because frames win games and it gave me an out of VRAM error. I have 20 gigs of VRAM on my card. esports!)

hell yeah

(I have already been called out on my shoe choice. I’m sorry for not having decades of being a pretty woman experience)



this is the best modern mario game ever made. all i do is collect stars and star pieces and coins. and jump and throw fireballs and my outfits have different powers. its mario, but with better outfits and noWAHOO WOOO WEEEOOOO instead you have a tiny cat thats like 'mm i love bbq" and ‘nothings better than bbq’ and 'could it be worse than never eating bbq again?"


he sure has a clean shirt for eating so much bbq all the time IVE NEVER ACTUALLY SEEN HIM EAT


i love a dialogue option thats just ‘cry together’ yes. very yes

i broke the hot air balloon though. what you cant see is the camera cutting to all sorts of different angles every 2 seconds maybe its looking for the balloon? i dont know. but you can do it if you try to talk to someone when youre going up right after you buy a balloon ride


well i like the frog

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all the animals rock


What game is it?

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infinity Nikki


I really wanna give Nikki some time since it feels like the embrace of femininity taps into a rich vein that most other games just don’t bother with. I do wish it existed without the gacha/monetisation stuff but I’ve heard the pinchpoint hits much later than usual.


yeah all free games just have a part you completely ignore or justify a budget to since ‘the game itself was free’. it’s neat that infinity Nikki tells you all the odds of your gacha stuff through I’m glad games do that now! I bought a pack of boxes in overwatch once and was like NEVER AGAIN but I don’t mind a battle pass that I know I will finish and don’t feel obligated to get every time. I mean i prefer if all games didnt do this shit at all, but all the ones I have any interest in playing over a long period of time do, so I want the least intrusive one. all the RARE! WOW! outfits for all the gacha stuff actually aren’t really intersting to me, so there’s not a lot of FOMO, and I used a million codes to get free pulls. oh and I spent 99 cents for two outfits cuz they had some ‘spend a dollar get THIS THREE DAY BONUS’ promo. but I only did it cuz lain did it. I don’t know long it’ll hold me, but I didn’t mind spending 20 dollars on halo infinite I probably will end up spending like 40 on this if I play for a few months. I basically am like ‘is this worth my ffxiv sub price’

I never played any straight up gacha besides overwatch before though, all the free to play stuff has been mobile crap I don’t care about to begin with. so I don’t spend money. I also don’t really have money so it’s pretty easy not to spend it! I was like the only gemstone player who paid for my sub and nothing else

the story of infinity Nikki is really moving, the animals are cute, you can layer clothes, the hair BARELY clips, the mini games get challenging , the combat arena is actually engaging, without being fucking ‘soulslike’ combat (please just leave that shit to from! they’re handling it), the puzzle platforming takes place in oblivion gates, the fishing is about as good as webfishing but no fishing will ever be as involved and maddening as ffxiv so I’m spoiled for fishing in games anyway, mixing and matching makeup is fucking fun as shit and it’s instant (the real reason I don’t wear makeup is because I don’t like taking time to get ready), I just wish there were more body types. Nikki has this obnoxious thigh gap that I wish I could mod out, but then I’m role-playing as the outfits not as the girl so I can handle it. biggest complaint is that there are only four outfit slots and SO MANY CLOTHES so you have to keep changing. which is fun in itself, but I want quick access to like shit I had thee outfits ago that I miss sometimes. I’m lying the worst part is the song you have to hear every time you open the game unless you mute all the music always

there’s so much to read and the photo mode is great. the only stuff you do with other people is chat with them on your friends list OR you can find a photo of someone in the wild, like a bloodstain, then they appear in your world so you can pose with them and take a pic too. it’s so neat I love haunting people

I’ve been running out of things i actually want to do in ffxiv, I have 87 percent of the achievements, so I can get into like. ultimates and savage BLU raiding or I can pull back from the leaderboards and get cheevos somewhere else

I love cheevos


Woah, Infinity Nikki rules. It’s the best weed gummy game I’ve ever played… and I’ve played Sonic Frontiers! This is the first time I’ve played a full-on dress-up game. I usually don’t get that excited about dressing my character up, but the wardrobe system in this is full-on, and the clothes are super varied and well designed. Very detailed textures! Overall, the game looks stunning on a PS5, which I really wouldn’t have expected for a game most people are probably playing on an iPhone. The ultra-cute magical girly fantasy aesthetic is extremely charming.

The starting village has little pomeranians running around everywhere. At one point one of them walked in front of my camera, revealing he had…



The only problem is you can tell this game was designed mobile-first, so none of the menus make any sense to control with a controller. And they all control totally differently! You have to do button chords just to reach some options! It’s the most obscurantist menuing I’ve ever seen, truly abysmal UX. And the comprehensive gatcha game stuff does demand you use that menu a lot if you want to get all the little currencies and all that. But it’s worth looking past that.


theres goats with tube sock ears that are my favorite so far, i never skip their grooming animation
i like how if you skip the grooming animation though it just takes you to a little later in the animation and you still have to wait and watch the animal roll around for a bit

ive been mostly playing this game on keyboard because oh my god the fucking menus on controller are unbearable, youre totally right. but ill still pick up my controller for biking or pink cloud riding or just other platforming stuff where i have to pay attention


Genshin Impact (2020):

Honkai Star Rail (2023) (okay technically this is the same company so this is cheating):

Wuthering Waves (2024):

Neverness to Everness (I swear to god this is the actual, real legal title of this video game) (TBA):

well, Genshin made billions of dollars so obviously the UI and UX works, right


I did it. I made Nikki gay


should we have a Nikki thread at this point is there a Nikki thread already


Hey Nikki, you’re so Infinite is my title suggestion


death to megathreads, long live the new post

i been using

this site with

this plugin so i can check everything off and not have to buy a premium account


I remain trapped in the Nikki vortex.


Wake me up for the Waluigi mod pls


i just saw the odds for that pink poofy jacket lain and im weeping. at least its with regular ass coins though

too bad i spent all my coins on the skill tree for giving me more fashion game points and now i have this dress


Right now I am balancing trying to level up my clothing to get the rewards from the miracrown competitions that end with the patch on the 18th, with holding off using too many resources when the next event gives double return on clothing glow-up materials. Seems like the metagame is a balancing act between a dozen currencies with the knowledge that you can stop thinking about that and just put a tenner into the machine.

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