[h4ck3d_464in] Watch the weightwatchers in Watch_dogz® 2 (Ep.2)

^^^ tl;dr:
this game is all about h4cking in SF, so on the stuff that m4tter5:

artsy or SFartsy,

DEDSEC R da h4ckerZ in da h00d ………

… ermmm …

…… at least that guy’s kinda cool.

I … kinda had to get outta there, because it was a bit creepy in there tbh.

Off I went to do _even more_ SF-exploring then: just can't escape nudle, they're _everywhere_ … … but SF has at least Papa Bene. (And why are you looking so grumpy down there, Lego-face?)

~whistling Crawl out to the fallout~ …
… right before testing a Vespa TO THE MAXXX

… before test-driving a lowrider (shamelessly cross-posting this in the fading brakelight obscurity topic as well!)

Obviously, I instantly had to take for a spin (cue KAVINSKY - Nightcrawler bgm):

… and, once again, quoting from the Ace Combat series:
Even after the darkest night, morning always comes

=> tl;dr-version:
I kind of love this game, yeah.

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last time on nintendogz2 watchdogz2:
Marcus stole a self-driving AI-car from nudle and went off-roading, met some weird hacker-kiddies, found a grumpy lego face, pushed a tram in SF w/ a Vespa and played wannabe-star in a Nicolas Winding Refn movie (hell YES!)

so, I finally did do some of the missions yesterday, that you are supposed to do/what normal people would do because the infinite possibilities of gaming dictate that you have to do the main plot-driving missions asap … but I digress.

So! Mission Time!

No, I honestly couldn’t even fabricate what happened right there, because I’d think that nobody would believe that shit. But here we are!
DEDSEC indeed is playing A-Team, while cueing some random 80ies style music, to build a (seemingly) self-driving car (that is actually remote-controlled)

('suuup there, SF-wizzard! Don’t look to grumpy next time I try to grab a selfie w/ ye)

This game delivers, nothing to be added here,

Next up - finally! - business as usual, a normal mission.
Steal truck X from place Y, because we need item Z it has tucked away inside it.

Off I went to that place and scouted the place using my RC-controlled car/drone. Thing is, security guards hate RC-cars and kick/shoot/kill them when they encounter one. Tried several times to get close enough to h4ck some dude that has the key I need to unlock the gates to steal aforementioned truck. RC-drone gets killed every time … fine, then I’m gonna hack that self-driving forklift

and place some boxes in your way that you cannot go up/down those stairs/get out of that building.
So the guards just jump off the stairs to the right and look for intruders, and then disable ctOS because DEDSEC has h4cked into their system. -.-*

Fine, then I’ll just spy this place out as a self-driving forklift and check for ways how I can get to that truck.
Turns out it isn’t that easy, because those guards are very sensitive to anything suspicious, re: RC-drone.
However! A flash of genius strikes: Why not trying to push that truck with the forklift?

it works!

Pesky guards still notice that something’s off, and accordingly, I try to hide:

Lifted one of these palettes and slowly moved around, until guard went off again.

-> back to executing my sinister plan again …

… whilst always being careful not to alert any guard. Still, some are suddenly thinking “hey, something’s going on here, gotta check this out!” …

-> FREEZE ……… “nothing to report”.

… fast forward to the tl;dr-version:
the last few yards I hacked the truck and let it run straight out of the shipyard, crashing into that red truck you can see prepared in the background of the last screencap.

At this moment, switching back to Marcus, I suddenly realized what was going on here:
Shit got so tense that I had been trying to pass off as a self driving forklift, thinking that I must not look suspicious.

For god’s sake, I’ve been roleplaying as a forklift.
Lifting my forks and make-believe-moving boxes around to look unsuspicious.

The very moment I realized that I’ve experienced the weirdest gaming moment I’ve had in the last few years, I felt a bit like my mind was blown.

After pausing for a few minutes to let that sink in (+grabbing a bite & sth. to drink), I fvkked off w/ the l00t and delivered it to face-guy

while still being puzzled by how intense this RPG-experience has been.

Like, seriously. A forklift.

=> 8/10 already claimed.
Game has managed to look like a mighty GOTY2016 contender for me.

Next time on wdogz2: …… idk. I honestly don’t know!


No, don’t make me want to play this open world game, too.

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it’s the game, srsly, don’t put the blame on me!!

last time on Doggie Dayz 2: The W-Team x K.I.T.T x Shenmue Forklift RPG

So, what has Marcus been up these days, you wonder?
Neither do I!

'been decidedly unimpressed by a Giant Enemy Crab™,

party’ed hard,

h4cked a wall,

bought a drone,

fvxxed up a selfie,

testdrive 2.0 in a RAD nudle car …

RAD MAD! Stop it, you freaky car!
Don’t put the blame on me Mr. Officer!1!11!!

h4cked a bridge,

played some San Fran RUSHHHHHHHH (on the PS64 \o/),

tried playing Forklift Ryo AI (Part 2),

failed miserably ;__;

switched jobs 2 B an Ace UBER Driver SF - driver …

l00k @ my r1d3, d00d5!!!

=> tl;dr:

a good ol’ day in America.

… aaa~~~aaaand in the next episode:
How I H4cked The Gorillaz

apparently the driving mechanics for this game were dolled out to an entirely separate team, specifically the one that worked on Driver: San Francisco (hince the uber joke), which is yet another bullet point on the list of me probably redboxing this game

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Yo this game is sorta cool and strangely uplifting even with the tonal problems where it’s trying to fight being a cool stealthy take on GTA and also being GTA at the same time. It’s just a blast.

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awwwwww this game.
If it wasn’t for FFXV and, soon enough, Last Guardian crashing the party, I’d probably have beatn it by christmas, but thanks to … idk who does the release planning @SQEX, Ubisoft and Sony, but they sure fvcked up this time - anyway, thanks to that, I’ll have more time to enjoy all those tiny details that make this game so wonderful.

Like, there was this girl playing a guitar on the street, and some mean lady started bitchin’ around that she’s crap and that’s an insult listening to hear, and started a fight. Marcus, hero that he is, of course joined (at my command that is …) and punched that mean lady once. Well, she really went for it and after a few hits, she decided to retreat and right after she turned the corner, someone called the cops.
idk how much of that has been scripted, but it gives you that sense of being there, as much as a make-believe-wannabe-hacker-movie-GTA can make you feel like you’re “there”, that is.

so this game seems like it could be fun, but i feel like the weight of the ludo-narrative dissonance would make it feel pretty meaningless to me. how hard is it to play through the game without killing or physically injuring another person? like, is that a reliable play style and not just a mega challenge for the devoted?

… just like th4t: h4cked!

anyway, last time on Straydogz 2: SF UberRUSH
Marcus somehow didn’t get any strangers to join me in my rad ride, such a downer ;__;

So off he went again to do what he does best:

underwater-h4cking …

car-park-stat-wanking …

continuing to look for that arthouse-cinema that screens this “Return of the DEDSEC” flick

… and, above all: fork-lift-meditating.

(btw: thanks for the shoutout, nudle shirt, help’s much appreciated here ~~~)

anyway, if you’re doing it right, you should start to feel like you can fly

… before it’s time for the out-of-body experience!

tl;dr: pixx 0r it didn’t h4ppen!

=> my life as a happy robot :slight_smile:

Astral Lensflare is the best lensflare!

Second Life??? ……

…… ___now___ we're talking, that's ___much___ better. Now where the heck is Faith hiding …

(however, poor ol’ Marcus, lost in that other dimensions that he is, unfortunately didn’t see that drone coming …

drop table;


……… not!

that depends on how good you are with the controls, I’d say.
Dropping something on people while roleplaying as a forklift happens quickly. Like, really quickly.
For the first few missions, the game gives you some non-deadly electric patches that can stun guards etc., and you get a stun-gun as well.

Dunno how long that lasts though, #1 went down the (comedy) death-awaits-you haxx0r action-flick path pretty quickly, but that might just have been …… my specific way of playing.

I think I might be a bit further in than you, but non-lethal becomes unviable very quickly later on when there’s a lot more numbers against Marcus. It’s a huge bummer but Ubi missed a trick by not having a range of non-lethal weapons that still let you go loud like Beanbag shotguns or more stealthy weapons like Pepper Paintballs that can KO guards. And maybe nerfing security so they aren’t packing as much heat, but still have their own non lethal weaponry (And they can call the real police if you eff up enough).

Also the minute someone invades your game and you whip out a gun or tazer to neutralize them the AI will call the police immediately as well (Compared to WD1 which gave you a good gravitas period during an invasion where the AI would run off and then two or three minutes later would call the police on you so you had the time to take out your invader then boot it on out). And Marcus has the worst health bar ever in an open world game because the minute you get flanked. You die. It’s especially irritating on the DedSec team events where you find a Prime Eight hacker and need to get their data because their back up will show up and the minute you or your buddy fight back, the AI calls the police on you. I’m almost compelled to turn off Online but you need it because the game is really finicky on your skill tree and you have to get that follower count up to unlock the bigger hacks.

Pedestrian AI can be a bit dense and run straight into your car when spooked. So yeah, it is extremely hard to not take someone out. So yeah. It would be a game that benefitted from a “Chaos” system.

I think it misses one or two things WD1 got right like the invasion mechanic not really interfering so badly and the game handling it better. And the weather system got nerfed so badly (I know San Fran has a lot more temperate climate, but the different types of rain storms in Chicago from rain showers to massive thunderstorms were really cool)


disappointing to hear nonlethal options are underrepresented, kind of defeats the purpose of the game not just being a gta clone imo :angrypig:

just wait till you see WD3: Seattle Street Samurai Showdown


I would god damn kill for like a Vampire Bloodlines style Shadowrun game with modern graphics.


2016 has been a son of a b!+ch, but some c007 h4ck3r d00d5 at least made it bearable for me, so what better way to close out this year than posting this tongue-in-cheek new year greetings?

Can’t wait to see where this game will lead me in the future.

Happy New F3AR Year everyone!

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Not sure if you’re aware of this and/or if it’s what you want

Yeah sure like this but SHADOWRUN

last time on Lassie’s Great Adventure Watchdogz_2:
retr0 learned to fly, suddenly found himself in Second Life checked out a Mirror’s Edge Location before a delivery van was dropped on his head … he didn’t become a zombie though.

Thus he continued to explore that curious place that SF is: xperiencing tru art™®©

and real-life art as well ~~~

~~ like watching some dude reading sth in alcatraz …

… watching a girl gone wild gettin’ busted …

… and watching a girl falling through the floor.

Such is the life of a h4cker trapped in snarky social commentary city,

so it’s time to aim 4 the top, starting w/ marcus’ ride:

Gangsta-cadillac it has to be, yo!

gotta rough up some of them lazy sea lions to proove a point,

diz iz my hood

and my rulz.

cue gangsta-rave-parties,

2F4U rides,

h0rny tags in retr0s h00d,

even more partying,

h4cking w/ death lurking around every corner

and flying d00ds.

…… clearly, Marcus went wrong somewhere, this isn’t the SF he wanted, where did all the fun go? Life’s sure tough 4 a pro gangsta ~~~

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… and thus, right as 2016 is in its dying moments, retr0 goes back to his h4rdcore h4cker friendz HQ, to don his h4cker h00die …

… and do what he does best:

h4cking real life,




and hacker dollz -

clearly, Marcus has found his mojo again.

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