Got a selection of GOOD STEALS on sale, stranger! (Part 1)

free king of fighters 2002 on pc from Good Old Games:


some free old sega games or something maybe. sign up to get 2 games on their steam megadrive emulator, and then maybe get other stuff every day? idk. i saw alpha protocol listed as one of the things that they will give out later if enough people play their games or something:

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less vague sega information stolen from reddit:

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oh i already have all these oops

Titanfall 2 PC!

$5! @Mikey @stylo


Nice, I’ll definitely check this out. Heard the single player ain’t half bad.

The single player is really really good

sonuvagun, just spent $9.99 on that

Oh nic–

DRM: Origin

Oh :frowning:

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Titanfall 2 is more worth installing Origin for than Half Life 2 was worth installing Steam for in 2004.


For 5 bux I bought it but on Origin it’s way more likely to end up in the “games I forgot I had” pile :frowning:

oh hell yea just bought this. thx fam

Is Battlefield 1 worth playing? and if so, console or PC?
(It’s on sale on origin and xbox live)

Bought that Titanfall 2 deal two days ago, very much enjoyed it yesterday. Thanks!


Titanfall 2 is $6 on PSN!


Sonuvabitch, that extra 3 dollars will be my ruin


Guess You’ll have to play the also excellebt multiplayer that much more.

Squenix sale on steam. Some pretty nice discounts. And they dig deep into their library. Not just Final Fantasy.

Also, Dirt franchise is on sale. Good prices there, as well.

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How awful are those mobile ports? Steam kids seem to hate them, but Steam kids also hate women.


Good point but they are actually terrible

Just Cause 3 though

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they’re really bad except the romancing saga 2 one

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