Got a selection of GOOD STEALS on sale, stranger! (Part 1)

Even that was rough enough (though in ways that would’ve been easily fixable if they didn’t treat the phone UI as an inviolable base) to get me to put it down, it’s just the only case where there’s no alternative

they pushed a patch a few days after release that tidied up the ui so it’s in line with the console ports at least

i’ll concede it probably should’t be £20 though

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Going to finally take the plunge for JC3. 2 is near and dear to my heart.

3 is a lot of fun, enjoy it!

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Apparently both Kane & Lynch games are $1.50 a piece on PSN right now

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Amnesia 1 and 2 are free right now on Steam. (1 is a lot better than 2.)

This preview shows the normal price, but they added a special button on the page itself to get the games for free.

Gundam Versus is currently $10 on Amazon. If you were every curious about the game this is a great price.

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It shows as 27 bucks for me, which is still not bad, but is not 10.

Yeah, looking at twitter now it sounds like it as up for only 10 minutes. Could have been a price error. Sorry I didn’t notice fast enough!

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If you’ve got a Twitch account and Amazon Prime account, “free” games are coming your way soon on a regular basis:

Interesting. I just logged on and got a notification that you also get the first Devil May Cry for free right now as well?

They’ve been steadily giving out little freebies here and there for a while in an informal sort of manner. I got Kentucky Route Zero that way a while ago, too. Just looks like now they’re really trying to go toe-to-toe with PS+ and GWG

a few of the games they’re giving away are one they already have over the past few months (Oxenfree and Superhot stand out), but this is good if you haven’t somehow already done a free Prime trial

and yeah, DMC1 from the HD Collection port is free right now, though the game logic is tied to framerate and the game automatically v-syncs, which means you have to run your display at 60 hz or limit the framerate to 60 from an external program

…am I the only one here that has that issue, I wonder


Free for another day or so.


I wish it were the other one so I’d have a way to watch To Kill a Mockingbird


crusader kings 2 is free on steam if you just want to have it and don’t


Immortal Defense is $1.50 right now on Steam. It’s a fun tower defense game, and probably the only one ever made that has a good story.


this game was already a steal at $15


fun fact: the guy who made this also came up with the name ‘minecraft’ in a tigsource thread, and also made some games using OHRRPGCE

i think

Was thinking about Paul Eres recently! Was hoping one of his other projects was finally out (doesn’t seem like it!)