Gognio Dungeon (Soon)

We have now embarked upon a righteous quest: Namely: How to set our RANDOM DUNGEON GENERATION apart from these other cronies and would-be’s that call themselves rogue-likes (whatever a rogue is!)

We have abandoned the pretext of open rooms and instead took towards the heavens: namely: hand drawing out every map in crayon and then breaking it down to its base elements so we might see what the best parts of dungeon generation are.

I do not have pictogram for this. I am sorry. I apologize. Please! Do! Not! Hold! It! Against! Me!

We are looking at how to establish a more “CLASUTROPHOBIC” mood than other vid-cons that we have looked at. We don’t like you! I am sorry, but the things you have made are trash and I will not play them. We have seen your open, boxy rooms and long hallways that occasionally turn into long L shaped hallways and cried foul. This is not how a dungeon should be generated. Have you ever asked your own dungeon how it feels about the way you make it look? We have.

This is a picture of how your dungeon feels when it is confronted with its own reflection. It will never have CURVES or BOOKCASES or PILLARS. It is a series of randomly generated boxy rooms with no feelings. This is WRONG to everyone involved. This is dungeon abuse and I wont stand for it.

We have decided to recreate the Biggu-G Tabletop Mega. In doing so we will promise dungeons that are maybe handcrafted by us, maybe by a despicable shadow from beyond Finland. I cannot tell you. It is a developer secret.