Games You Played Today VIII: Journey of the Cursed Poster

Enjoying Fate/Remnant Samurai, musou combat packaged in a more Yakuza-like manner, Fate going back to the mage battle royale format that made it popular instead whatever the hell that mobile game is (I have a lot of teenage nostalgia for the series)… But it feels like the worst possible endpoint of the “can you pet the dog” trend, almost like someone set out to kill it.

Every location has a huge number of cats and dogs, feels like every third marker on the map stands for a cute animal. Every act of petting takes like 10 seconds of rapidly pressing one button, and then rapidly pressing it again for your companion who also wants her turn. The animations are canned, very poorly synchronized and unchanging. Basically every district of Edo, there are dozens available, has two sidemissions related to petting a certain number of dogs and cats. You recover some HP every time you pet an animal, but it’s such a laughable amount you feel it’s a joke at your expense.

In any case, every time I enter a new place I have to spend a few minutes servicing my feline and canine masters to cross another item off my quest checklist and it’s a horrible, horrible chore, basically the worst gamification of a human impulse I’ve seen, the only place you could push it further would be, idk, petting-related daily missions and rewards for sharing content that tags the official Can You Pet The Dog account on Twitter.

This was such an optimistic scenario