Games You Played Today ver.1.22474487139...

I also played OFF.
I don’t like that game much. I think it’s quite overrated.

Then I played a few other RpgMaker games: Toilet in wonderland, which does something cool (the section with Mario is pretty unsettling) but in the long run I felt bored by it.

Neftelia… I understand why some people like it, but I cannot be bothered (and bored) in proceeding.

Lcd Dem… Seems a Yume Nikki clone… I played 10 minutes, but I am allergic to Yume Nikki, so I abandoned that too. It looks really beautiful, though.

I think, thematically, The Witch’s House and Azusa 999 will be much more interesting to me, when i will decide to play them!


The win screen in No More Heroes 3 is satisfying every time.


They’re basically 2 separate games and both worth playing! Also regular Superhot has a zillion bonus modes, you can find your challenge in there

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Just saw I earned a new subtitle. Love it!

On other “news”: played around with Knytt Underground. Nice, a zen metroidvania with large, sometimes empty screens and interesting art style.
The actions and puzzles are a bit simplistic, though.
I quit it after a few hours, there nothing wrong with the game, neither anything so inviting to compel me to spend more time with it.


i got sushi with my mom yesterday and we talked about going to the cat cafe i learned exists in the mall near my apartment, and we kept talking about cat cafes and decided i would probably do a good job running one some day. when i got home i saw that there was a cat cafe game on steam and long story short i am now the manager of a virtual cat cafe (except i’m not actually a manager my cat cafe is a worker co-op without a hierarchical managerial structure i’ve decided)

we were a little strapped for cash so i got a sponsorship deal

so far my only complaint is that you can’t play the game with just the mouse, you can only move around with wasd and you can’t rebind the controls. it would be nice if you could like comfortably play the game with one hand so you could use the other to sip coffee or tea or possibly pet a cat (no jokes please)


hey I need to get all this shit I typed out about Gundam Overwatch out of my posting brain so thoughts

Gundam Evolution is both kinda weirdly fresh and also outdated. it’s most closely ripping off Overwatch but it’s very clearly a pre-pandemic design since it’s still 6v6 as OW is busy transitioning to 5v5 (which hey there’s a whole fucking conversation that can be had about that change), but they’re trying very much to not fall into holy trinity nonsense, but they still have “tanks” and “supports”. but somewhat thankfully, team comps seem to revolve around maps and not just a straight meta (I mean, not yet anyway, the game is 4 days old) and/or people instant locking Exia while yelling “ORE TACHI WA GUNDAM GA

the game seems stupid and fun and they have adopted the balance conceit of “well, if everyone is busted at something, everyone is balanced” and you get dumb shit like the GM being an asshole squishy suit until it puts up its riot shield or Sazabi being a highly mobile tanky boy with with a shotgun

I think even though they seem to be all in on the ranked play thing because it’s 2022 and you need a ranked playlist that this is a good, dumb play-it-for-stupid-fun-shooter-don’t-worry-about-doing-good game

I mean, it’s not like there’s an Overwatch 2 coming out anytime soon to lord over all the hero shooters on the market again and


All the passive incenses in Minoria suck but this one might take the cake


I’m gonna go around to a bunch of progression designers and hand out some free zeroes


Playing Doom 3. The environments are fantastic, they really captured what living on mars would probably be like: stuck in labyrinthine and cramped corridors.


Doom 3 is a good time if you bail at about 6 hours


I think it’s more like if you just skip to the archaeology site and the second set of Hell levels before you get too bored.

I stopped playing Minoria an hour in the week it came out and haven’t revisited it since. I wonder why it is that your screenshot gives me a strong craving to give it another chance

(Maybe it’s that the artwork is much nicer than I remembered. Playing it soon after Momodora which has even better art, I was acutely disappointed by the 3d style)

I’m really curious how Tunic in '22 feels comparatively

Hmm, compared to what?

Tunic in 16

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Ah, back when it was first making the rounds?

I didn’t play it back then but I probably would have compared it to Below which I had played in, uh, 2012? And Below felt like the first real western game to be born after Demon’s Souls. I was so jealous that they had started on something tight, sparse, dungeon-y, so carefully considered. And by 2016, Below was still on production hell, a half-dozen Souls-like indie games had come out, and we were already at least three years into Zelda being a huge touchpoint for the indie market.

and that was six years ago

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Started up Sephonie and was disappointed in the handling — in video it looks like it’s going to be similar to Respawn’s wallrunning but the character controls remind me of nothing so much as Spyro with its “hold RT to sprint with less lateral control.” I’m sure this is intentional given their work and stated influences but I was hoping for an exploration game with a more modern-feeling parkour system.


I’d love to hear what this is about because from the demo I’m not getting a clear vision, and I can’t tell if it’s considered mediocre platforming of just mediocre platforming.

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Yeah, I was kind of surprised it felt so bland considering Anodyne’s reputation

Spyro physics but without the character model giving the impression of a low center of gravity are weird and not to my taste: wide turning radius, lots of wind up, little air control. (I’m a Sunshine person.) But they don’t strike me as intentionally unpleasant or austere

I’m interested in it as an archaeology game in concept though, may stick with it


Honestly this is a fast and breezy but consistently below average post-Souls Metroidvania, there’s nothing terrible but nothing great either and it really lacks memorable landmarks / geography.

There IS a forbidden lesbian nun romance thing going on but you might as well just watch Benedetta instead