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do you have the impression down too? like whenever i go into sammy sonic mode peopel get scared because i sound just like him

i guess this has to do with whenever i play online games with strangers they think im a 12 year old boy every time


twisting my face with ursula’s sea witch envy at your voice rn

also imagining voice exercises to sound more like sammyclassicsonicfan

(btw sammy turned out fine! ok and he was right! I’m glad my childhood meltdowns weren’t broadcast to the world)


yeah POE handles this sort of thing so differently than like, destiny or whatever where they see players mowing down mobs and go “oh no we have to tune that skill, it’s too much for our design”. POE is like “oh cool you can kill 5 demons in one swing, how about groups in the hundreds, some of them explode on death, the others are at triple speed and are zergrushing you, and oops the eldritch god watching you is bored and is teleporting in a bunch of nazi catholic priests (oh right, the campaign antagonists are fantasy catholic nazis, forgot to mention that) who are shooting lasers at me?? ma’am, this is a forest level.” it will always rise to the occasion of whatever dumb shit you throw at it and will happily let you run a map you have zero chance in hell of completing

(also there was a good bug a few patches ago where you could create boss monsters with so much attack speed that they broke the animation system and would just fly at the player and viciously t-pose them to death)

in POE you’ll do something like incrementally upgrading your energy shield (a shield on top of your health that rapidly regenerates but can be pierced by a specific type of damage) throughout the campaign, then make a larger choice with actual drawbacks later on as you specialize. ie:

  • take a perk that sets your health to 1 and makes you completely immune to that specific type of damage, trading off the ability to fuel abilities with health for extra defence
  • take a different set of perks that prevents that damage from piercing, allowing you to use your health to fuel damage buffs, intentionally keeping your character as close to death as possible but still covered by a massive overshield

(also this is only one of three core defensive mechanics, there’s also armour and evasion that work totally differently, you can go through the whole game without ever thinking about energy shield if you want lol)

like every single aspect of your character is a choice like that! it’s exhausting but the amount of possibilities keeps me coming back to see if there’s a better way to smash a bunch of demons


POE is a game I start to play sometimes and then withdraw from because I can see myself sinking years into it.


same. I actually love to look at all the disgusting fanmade character builder charts and then I realize how much time would be involved in actualizing them and panic


Oh god, exactly. And any time I play on my own without those, I am always low level anxious that I’ve screwed my sphere grid beyond repair because something sounded cool.


i keep meaning to do a big effort post about it here and i promise i’ll include a bunch of incredibly awful build promo graphics, this community takes Graphic Design Is My Passion to a whole other level


One thing I legitimately love about all the From Soulslikes is how real heads think of them in terms of “builds” but when you actually play the games in the intended way the souls and levels come slowly enough that for like 20 hours and maybe even an entire playthrough you’re mostly just making do with what you find and the idea in your head of your “build” is a distant echo


Somewhat related,

Good enough for 45th in the world apparently lol


Shoutouts to my excellent maintank who was somehow able to maintain aggro through this dps bonanza

I think Deprived is the one true character class. The first piece of armor I picked up in Dark Souls 1 was a single boot, and that made my day.


I didn’t like the way Dark Souls 3 had a difficult and mandatory tutorial boss that discouraged selection of this class. Though I did like the surprise of said boss’s transformation.


i thought he was a republican

oh no

watching a video he made 8 days ago feuding with a mukbang channel, mortified. praying he’s doing a bit

Playing Tactics Ogre for the first time. No charge time for spells is so much better than FFT, not sure I can go back at this point.


I picked Deprived in DkS3. As I recall I was able to grind better equipment from the small number of enemies preceding the tutorial boss, I didn’t have to fight it naked. I experienced it as the normal Deprived experience although it might’ve been a different story if it had been my first Souls game.

I do remember feeling though like that Dark Souls 3 tutorial boss somehow wasn’t sloppy enough, that it demanded a lot more call-and-response than earlier Souls bosses tended to, more in the vein of Bloodborne or Sekiro. it wasn’t terribly challenging, but it did feel like a strange deviation from earlier titles, which were always more intimidating and exploitable than they were necessarily demanding that early on.


AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i am still parsing green on this tier of savages in ffxiv but ive only done the first two twice im so lazy

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Deprived is my favorite class. Love to hit stuff with club while being bare-assed.

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If you turn me into a PoE player, so help me I will…

New Triangle Strategy demo should last a good 3-4hrs. Generous demo, and I had fun.