Games You Played Today ver.1.22474487139...

February is the perfect time…


to go sightseeing.

Join us in playing GAME BOY from 1991 at La vie en vert


this description reminded me of yooka laylee (the 3d one)


There’s a weird thing in this 3DS version of Apollo Justice (maybe the DS version, too, I dunno) where whenever you examine some of the 3D evidence models, the game just fuckin’ chugs trying to display the dialogue text. It’s bizarre.

On the third case now, and it’s pretty good. Klavier is a nice change, personality-wise, from the prosecutors in the previous games.

Gonna miss his theme though…


Sure but I don’t really care about intentions (and certainly not pedigrees) when it comes to making art. It’s just convenient that there was a video that made clear with ample evidence why one game is better than the other. The entitled gamer rage is annoying but hey, I warned you.

If Chet really wrote that leaden Whedonesque stuff in the Anacrusis trailer then it seems like his time has passed. Shame to see, but happens to most eventually. Maybe him and Erik were only ever good in combination? Who did the Portal writing anyway, that was at least one of them right?

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They’re co-credited, and they were basically hired to write the game as a duo.

And yeah, you mentioned the Gamer Rage; just wanted to clarify more specifically why it’s blithe and unthinking in particularly reductive ways.

been playing eso, ignore discord lurking in the bg

ive had a good time wandering the wilderness and foraging for scraps, probably not something i’d want to mainline but its 6 dollars for the game + morrowind expansion which i think is a decent deal


Ys 9 politics are still awful but Adol has this very funny goblin-like jump in indoor places where he doesn’t allow himself to jump higher


The size of those hallways feels like such deliberate micro-agression game-extention. Not like falcom games aren’t buried in that stuff.


TBH I felt this way about Dragon Quest 8, but its encounter rate was just right, so the map size felt snug between fights. Ys 8, the closest game I can compare to 9, is full of winding passages with knee-high impassable barriers, either completely empty or teeming with garbage enemies and nothing inbetween


Places are pretty large in Ys 9 but the mad running speed more than makes up for it, it’s not a problem. There’s a lot of paddling elsewhere in the game though!

Oh Ys IX is pretty different, the world is seamless outside of dungeons, the awful invisible walls are gone, and there’s a lot of vertical freedom. You can double jump, run up walls and glide. Exploring is genuinely great. Blue skies are gone though, we’re left with this anime emo gang and a ton more (bad) cutscenes. Ys is getting closer to Trails, which isn’t great


do you spend the first two hours only seeing dialogue?


No it throws you into the action almost immediately before slowing down for a bit. Feels less chatty than VIII to me—it’s doesn’t compel you to return to base as often, for instance. But you can spend a lot of time just clambering over the geometry without fighting anything too, so it feels slower in its own way.

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well if it doesnt have two hours of skipping through dialogue then it hasn’t fallen to trails’ level

Really shocked how many of these two sentence Yakuza 2 substories I remember in Kiwami 2.

Think I’ll wait till I get back to Osaka then put on Pop-Punk and do the whole cabaret game. That sounds like a good couple of nights.

Did two more missions of Ace Combat 7. 4 more to go. RIP to dog.png


Cruel of any game to make me, the man with the worst ear for music, try to pick out where there’s a minute difference, but Apollo Justice has that cruelty.

(Also damn, I guess that whole case would pretty much be unplayable without a guide if you’re hard of hearing/deaf)

On to the last case! Texas is about to freeze for 48 hours, so this might have to tide me through power outages and who knows what else.


Summon Night Swordcraft Story sure is a video game you can play


That Ace Combat 7 sure is a video game that has left me exhausted. In a great way. Got heck of lucky on that last mission until I beefed it 9 times going “what do you want me to do?”


I beat mom’s heart with eve


playing Undertale on the Switch. For one thing, the Dragon Quest white-on-black UI looks fantastic on an OLED display.


I am doing a talk-it-out be-nice run. I like each battle once and then grow annoyed and resentful of repeating the same steps to spare each monster. I like to think I would grow annoyed even if I were selecting the same optimal set of offensive abilities. (Pokémon Legends was also getting on my nerves.)

I understand it’s part of The Point, especially for other paths, but I don’t think it’d lose much from presenting you each encounter once. It feels like poorly socializing, like declining a last-minute invitation or, worse, accepting it without the capacity to be On. I understand this is also perhaps The Point.

I went looking for a mod to limit or lower the encounter rate but only found art/music/text substitutions.

After bouncing off three RPGs I think I have text box fatigue. I plan to treat it with VNs off itch and maybe a fresh run through KRZ. It’s ironic because I will read tens of thousands of words of prose from a game’s API but something about chunking it into 50 word boxes that require a button press to advance enervates me like nothing else

I think I feel similarly about dialogue-heavy fiction


Zenki FX is the most PC Engine-ass game not on the PC Engine, almost as if it the ur PCE game just needed the JPEG-pushing power of the PC-FX to be made manifest

I can sit down and run through it in about 20-30 minutes

somehow it is a side-scrolling punchman with only 40-some enemies total and 10 of those are bosses

you can throw loop 80% of the bosses because they keep trying to block meaties

it seems more concerned with being a game for the anime instead of a game of the anime

you can opt out of punchmanning it and play the female lead and run around jump canceling charge shots

it’s pretty much perfect

I swear to god YT kept throwing this on my recommends while I’m trying to keep throwing time into notable dead game B4B

can I just be frank for a minute here

every game trying to rip on L4D doesn’t get it, yes

at the same time, if I want more L4D, guess what, 15-20k people still play L4D2 daily, there’s an ocean of maps and mods and shit, hell, people still play the 360 version because it’s on the Xbone/Xsex BC list

I’m not (still) playing B4B because it’s like L4D, I’m playing it because it isn’t

also all the recent changes to difficulty that went live in November and December where they went “whoops we made the game too hard” (yes this actually happened and yes I would argue in a number of circumstances they made the game too hard) combined with the playerbase finally figuring out how to tackle maps means hey, the game plays as fast as L4D (or, well, can) despite being the weird Amiga port to L4D’s popular in Europe arcade game

gun balance could use some tweaking though (they sped up the firerate for the main pump shotgun in the game, which had the knock on effect of making it as fast as the slower auto-shotgun, thereby making it a dead drop)

I am however amused at every time I think of a dumb idea, I make a deck for it and it works (what if I slot in every reload speed card and use the game’s version of the super shotgun from Doom? stupidity is what happens)