Games You Played Today V: The Phantom Play’n

I got through the part I was stuck on this morning! It was driving me insane thinking about it! I appreciate a game that gives you an objective then doesn’t give you any navigation arrows on the screen or constant reminders of what you’re supposed to be doing.

Even for its time it feels like a rare thing.


just reinstalled monster hunter world and did a terrible job at hunting a tempered odogaron, my controller muscle memory is stuck on elden ring and it made what would have been a 5-10 minute hunt into a 20 minute hunt. I’m rusty!

going to play some shin chan summer vacation now to chill on a cold rainy day


i beat this one early this year and posted about it elsewhere

i called it “the definition of a 7/10 game” there but i think it’s more like 6.5/10 in hindsight. initially i was into it but it def felt like a slog towards the end. the level design/enemy encounters felt really samey after awhile in spite of all the variation between environments. and weirdly i feel like the attempts to make it not just a straight wolfenstein 3d clone in the later levels didn’t work as well. the city levels have tons of tanky enemies and the insta-death firepits on the last set of levels aren’t exactly fun. and the game also has some of the worst bosses i’ve ever seen in a game. in particular the city stage boss and especially the final boss - which was just a tanky slog that felt like it never ended. definitely left a sour taste in my mouth by the end.


This is what’s finally going to tear selectbutton apart


the final boss of sonic frontiers on hard mode is a top-down ikaruga fight against a moon with eggman’s daughter (a program that gained sentience) piloting an evangelion

way past “good”


Beyond Good and Cringe


i got level 92 in gemstone and my fake militia THE KNUCKLEHEADS saved the town, again. scared about being a main character, SO MUCH RP ALL THE TIME

more in my gemstone thread, which is hilarious and informative


i staarted palying vampire survivors and suddenlt it was 7:05 am


And Knuckles


I read so many people complain about the tank boss in the city, but I lucked out and got it in a position where I could attack it and it couldn’t attack me lol. Agree the final boss was a total slog, I almost just decided to call it there but sunk cost etc. Also yeah the firepits sucked. The worst tanky enemies in the city were the ones that could kill you in like three seconds if you weren’t careful. i still had a good time with it overall but yeah definitely rough in places


I played about an hour of Murder By Numbers which is a murder mystery visual novel with real Saturday Morning Cartoon vibes. The scenes are interspersed with light bits of “investigation” and questioning, along with the “by Numbers” part which is nonagrams. I was hoping that maybe all I needed to help me appreciate nonagrams more was a carrot to string me along but… I think the in-between bits here are actually too tedious and the resulting pictures from solving the puzzles are sorta underwhelming. Either way I think I"m putting this one down.


load up mame and play logic pro

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looks like I’m working from home Tuesday


Played Marvel Snap a little because it looked like Gwent and, yeah, it’s very Gwent but honestly 12 card deck makes it feel more like a board game than a card game. It’s honestly pretty solid for a game with 2 minute games and the rng stuff makes it engaging rather than being a turn off. It loses a lot compared to most digital card games in being so simple it’s very difficult for most cards to have any real personality from a gameplay perspective (marvel stuff, of course, being an utter turn-off from an aesthetic standpoint.). It’s also very early in a games life to being going, ‘Yeah ok Squirrel Girl has 1 power because she’s a tiny joke character but Iron Man has 0 power because… balance reasons :woman_shrugging:t2:

The mobage stuff was a shock after being spoiled by Runeterra for years and it looks like you can’t even like, just buy cards which is big red flags imo.

They clearly decided they needed a little on the top since the games take two minutes, so the ‘snap’ mechanic of the game’s title is based around gambling rank points and trying to bully your opponent into surrendering which is a) very funny and b) about where I could feel the tickling sensation of compulsive video gaming start in my head and I deleted the game


Also, like, not trying to brag or whatever, winning 30 straight games fucking sucks. The snap mechanic is not enough, you need to have placement games or something fucking hell


tbh this is what I do in all card games


on some kinda type-moon binge triggered by having my interest in vn’s and related stuff firing up again but the way i’ve gone about it is playing through 428 shibuya scramble to get to the canaan stuff buried in there, and playing fate/go.

428 was pleasantly surprising on the whole? just really enjoy the structure of it where you try to arrange this cylinder lock so everything falls into place and can proceed down the path you need it to. also the whiplash in moods is so good when you shift between dramatic and comedic paths.

fate/go is terrible but i’m compelled. maybe because i just pulled the character i’ve been trying to get all week. it probably helps that i’ve got fondness for type-moon in general


yeah i think it’s bots for a while, which is a trend i find VERY frustrating in competitive multiplayer games. that portal + halo clone did it too and i only played like one human in the span of four hours. surely the skill algorithm should be able to figure out sooner that it should match me with real (or at least better) opponents.

once you start playing real people marvel snap is pretty fun, though. i actually do think it’s really well designed. it’s hard to make a card game work with so few cards per deck and so few turns and still have interesting decisions. there’s a fair amount of RNG, but it plays into the snap betting system well, and as you get better you start to find ways to control it more. there’s a decent amount of strategy for when to snap and when to retreat. and since there are 50+ locations that you only see 3 of each game, you pretty often get weird situations that take some thinking. there’s more nuance than you’d expect.

i do think the monetization is predatory – it preys on all the same psychological tricks that most mobile games do. if you’re able to ignore it and just play enough to get dailies you do unlock cards at a decent clip though. the player base is segregated into 3 card pools, so you’ll won’t play against someone who has unlocked all the cards until you’ve played quite a lot. you have to unlock all the pool 1 cards before you’ll play against anyone who has pool 2 cards, and likewise between pool 2 and 3.

it’s been a while since i’ve had a mobile game i’ve stuck with for more than a couple days. i think think the length of the matches and the amount of strategy required hits a really good balance for a mobile game.


I definitely have to give them props for making a digital card game that you play with your phone in vertical mode for once. I think it’s a good game, to be clear, but I don’t like the impulses that keep me playing compared to Runeterra, my current digital card game of choice


I googled type moon and i see it is a vn sofware house: why is it dreaded?

And what happened to the game, did the author get switched with someone else at some point?

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