Purchased “Automation” which is a very very detailed car creation “game”. The kind where you pick very specific details about a car, such as piston bore/stroke and air/fuel mixture, and then the game kind of mashes up a pretty good 3D model. After picking body style you can then go through and add things like headlight designs, spoilers, etc. I decided to make a rear engine 80’s coupe as my first car and it seems pretty nice.
This is also a companion application for BeamNG drive, the software lets you export your finished car to the game and load it into the simulation, so you can drive it around in real time. This is the neatest shit
428’s really, really great until it suddenly isn’t. I’m sure I’ve mentioned it in the past but basically at one point I was all “what the heck did someone from type moon suddenly take over the writing” and it turns it’s actually precisely that. Also one of the very best characters suddenly is derailed halfway through the game to become a mere plot device which was a big disappointment.
That being said, on average it still means that on the whole it’s really good.
i’ve had to take a break from fighting games for a bit because i am feeling under the weather physically, and anything that causes excitement/anxiety/stress/etc makes it worse. so instead, i am getting back into phantasy star online, because there has never been a better time to play phantasy star online.
trying out a new character: a pretty boy FOmar, because that is my mood, and i wanted to do something besides be an android with a gun. this game still owns, in case you forgot, or never knew in the first place.
im officially glad kylotonn is not making wrc games ever again, the past two installments have been full on EA sports “get fucked idiot, pay 40 dollars for QOL changes next year” mode. i had to stop playing WRC 10 because it would reset my settings everytime id start up the game, the lighting was tuned to be dark as fuck inside the car so it was always like driving around at night, and they released like two patches for it that fixed minor technical/visual bugs and then just kinda left it to die cuz its a yearly release. since they lost the WRC rights to codemasters this game was supposed to be a last hurrah where they included all the rallies they’ve ever made and stuff except they left out australia and poland for mysterious reasons. its fine i guess, somehow despite looking exactly like 9 and 10 it runs worse than ever but at least this time you can, uh, see what weather a stage is going to have so you know what fucking tires to use. no longer is monte carlo totally unplayable because you have to plan for 12 stages that might have rain or snow, iced over roads or whatever without actually having the info to make that decision. why this took an entire new game to fix, or why you’d make a rally game where this is half-assed idk, but i am glad to see they kept one of my most favorite issues, which is having to play through multiple seasons when you make a career on the off chance you dont want to drive a ford fiesta every time
i played PROJECT WARLOCK a wolfenstein clone that is mostly pretty good. all but “casual” mode has lives which i can’t ever imagine playing because F that, the bosses are either boringly easy or tediously difficult, it’s a bit glitchy at times, and too many levels lack any real flow and are too mazey BUT overall it was a pretty solid time and would recommend it if you can get it on sale like i did
I played about 10 minutes of Impulsion which is a test chamber puzzle FPS ala Portal with a less interesting mechanic (red and blue spheres which slow/quicken or attract/repulse you) and wayyyyy worse writing and voice acting. So that’s one I’m scratching off the backlog now.
Weirdly right now my backlog is essentially zero. I have become the One Game person and that game is Fortnite. I’m sure I’ll be interested in other games at some point but currently I’m happy indulging my one game, and then a bunch of other hobbies.