Games You Played Today ##RELOAD

As I recall, it was also possible for Zip disks to fail in a way that could cause mechanical damage to the drive, which could cause mechanical damage to disks, etc. The capacity was great, though!

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MKX is probably a better fighting game. It certainly has a better cast. The story mode is just a goofy and fun, but it’s way shorter.

If you like 9 you should go for it.

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seconding mkx > mk9

pretty much just straight up better

wonder how injustice 2 will stack up

What about the Alpha series?

Alpha/Zero is broken as hell and has like two characters
Alpha 2 is a legitimately great game
Alpha 3 carries the tradition of being broken again

If anyone’s gonna play the SFA series just for the sake of playing it then IMO Alpha 2 is a good arcade mode experience

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what’s broken about 3?

3 seems the dopest for all but the most dedicated players - so many more characters in sfa3 upper

V-ism is fundamentally really stupid and skewed towards a select few characters

V-Akuma dominates the entire cast by an embarrassing margin because custom combo is so specifically tailored to his wide array of tools

Also it’s just kind of buggy and one of the lesser SF titles polish-wise

And don’t get me wrong, I really adore A3.
Every SF game has its own dumb quality that ruins balance but I still think it’s a great game

i am not ashamed to admit that neither i nor anyone i know is good enough for balance concerns to matter in a fighting game

i just like the big roster in sfa3 upper, so many more choices! the backgrounds are definitely way worse than a2, no doubt


30 posts were split to a new topic: Fatigued Souls

snake pass is pretty good!

maybe not great in long bursts (I cleared the first three levels with all the optional stuff and then I was pretty much done for now) but the physics are awkward and challenging the way you’d want them to be and it feels good visually and such

wouldn’t call it essential yet but if you’re keen on monkey ball and/or grow home it’s a solid recommendation as expected

I like that it demands precise control from the player where most platformers with collectibles never punish sloppiness. There were some harrowing bonus coins akin to shaving seconds off a turn.

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you should almost certainly not play this KBM if you have carpal tunnel issues

and I’m (after going back to clear the fourth level, which was great) already at 27% completion after like 90 minutes (without time trials and whatnot) so I assume this won’t be a huuuuuge game

but it’s definitely up to sumo’s usual standard

initially I thought the checkpointing was kind of harsh but I think they actually got it just right

I just went back and rewatched the trailer and I’m extremely excited for all the late game physics objects now that I know how the game feels, the early levels (while quite difficult if you go for the hidden stuff!) are actually very tame

We were consciously reusing the checkpoints before attempting dangerous bonuses.

It’s quite ergonomic on a dual analog controller! Just LT, RT, and A most of the time.


What was the video before it became unavailable?

edit: very cute!

It should just be unlisted wtf I hate youtube

it’s cute when a kid does it but don’t think this excuses or wipes away the memory of your garbage pronunciation on that podcast, @geist