Games You Played Today ##RELOAD

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i played some games of CSGO since I last played many months ago

they clearly nerfed the hell out of spraying and now i feel bad and dumb. but it was fun to hit some dank tap headshots

playing titanfall 2 and i forgot they refer your team as ‘SRS’

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@Felix you are wrong

Ultimate Chicken Horse is not a better game than Mario Maker

It is in fact…

…a different game

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Sorry for my late response. Admittedly, I’ve lost a bit of the anger that fueled my previous post but I’ll attempt to answer your question anyway. I think the reason indie “product” annoys me so much is that in the end it’s all so predictable. To me these games are no more meaningful than buying a T-Shirt from Urban Outfitters. They’re hollow cultural signifiers that exist solely to convey feels of some sort despite the fact that most of these things have no discernible worldview/perspective. Not that those are prerequisites for any videogame but if indie devs want to posture themselves as the resistance to “soulless” AAA fare then they should actually deliver on that.

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Went back to my plan of playing FFVII from beginning to end. Now I am in the part where Cid has to be the leader. In all this time (I stopped playing when I had to go back to Spain for Christmas) I forgot that I kept all the default names except for Cid.

So I’ve spent all this time from the snowboard part to now thinking that all other characters were calling him “Uncle Cid” for real. Gave a whole extra dimension to the dialogue.

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i dunno man, NitW seems genuine to me. It’s definitely part & parcel of a particular “hip” youth aesthetic that’s popular right now, but mayhaps you’re confusing a project infused with appreciation for that aesthetic for some kind of cynicism?
i recall you knocking Undertale for similar reasons. i hope saying that doesn’t make it seem like i’m digging up stuff to dunk on you, but maybe you just aren’t super into this particular flavor of zeitgeist?

i super am. i def see myself as a disaffected, distraught, confused 20-something and those kinds of projects resonate with me a lot. What i like about Undertale and NitW is that they are celebratory, but also self-conscious, re: people in my space. i think characters like Mae are supposed to be likable, and sympathetic, but misguided. The kind of ennui they express is a real thing, and worthy of sincere appreciation, but equally deserving of criticism, because these are ultimately Young Folk’s Problems that need to be worked through, and not stewed in.

i’ve related Night in the Woods’ aesthetic to that of Cate Wurtz, admittedly, partly in a tongue-in-cheek way because they are both about hipsterspeak cartoon animals in dingy, dead-end towns. But there’s a sincerity there that i think they truly share, and that rings true to me, a scuzzy queer 20-something furry.


good lord, how have i never noticed Tifa’s goofy clown shoes before now.

sleepy do you follow some-triangles on tumblr/follow the Talk Simulator 2 youtube podcast thing? because the former takes part in the latter and boy does he love crow cillers. you’re both the people that come to mind when I’m reminded of it. There’s definitely at least one TS2 episode where the guy just talks about the beauty of crow cillers.

I also think NITW is full of people with material problems even if Mae is oblivious to them.

Man I played more Nioh and the maps and getting winder and winder…

i dont, but i sure will now!!

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I happen to agree somewhat with @jodeaux in regards to the over-saturation of indie development that either spends too much time in fusing existing mechanics from separate games that have a prestigious following, or spend too much time attempting “quirky” and/or retrograde aesthetics as a means for artistic expression.

Either/Or misses the magic of what made great games great in the first place.

As I said earlier, I just played Super Metroid for the billionth time and I am still awed by its brilliance in design. I would consider it the Vertigo of video games. It’s not really doing anything new, either, but happens to have a clear vision of what it wanted to express to the player.

I find a lot of indie games prove one way or another that there is a vast potential and world of ideas that are yet to be realized in the realm of interactivity, but falls short by being distracted by the aforementioned qualities (mechanics/aesthetics).

I think at the very least, @jodeaux brings to light something that might prove how the descriptor “indie” might become tainted in the same vein as what the post-modern hipster is to what the original hipster was back in the 40’s.

I think that’s worth discussing.

literally cannot think of anything more obnoxious or less interesting to talk about than hipsterism

As if this conversation hasn’t happened a hojillion times already in every conceivable context

" I can’t relate to this piece of art at this time therefore I must assume the person who made it is a big dumb stinky attention-seeking liar oh and lazy too "


most artists are merely stinky

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If you want your life to be happy and free,

avoid the bathrooms at an art college

the bathrooms at my art school either smell like hamburger helper with no hamburger or dr. bronner’s

i’ve been playing berserk musou and i’m very satisfied. i wish there was a regular-ass endless band of the hawk mode where i killed medieval dudes instead of monsters in scary eclipse world. also why isn’t any susumu hirasawa music in the game? i think the choir from forces is part of the main menu sfx but thts it.

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It’s not a musou unless soul-draining buttrock envelopes everything

I also don’t care for “disaffected hipster” stuff but who cares. It’s nothing that could make its way onto any list of Things that are Destroying the World. There are a trillion other targets in videogame trends that are worth a person’s ire

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Yeah i dont think i can get on board with stylized dialogue-heavy indie adventures being indicative of some broader problem with [independant] games.

i also think disaffected hipster is a little reductive w/r/t to Night in the Woods but to be fair i did use both of those words in my post about it.

idk, didn’t we decide years ago that “hipster” was basically shorthand for “stuff some young people like that makes other young people feel old and cranky”