Games You Played Today ##RELOAD

I’m finally forcing myself through Fire Emblem (after deciding my new year resolution was to go through Metal Gear Solid. figures). I played through a few skirmishes on the Famicom original for the quaint aesthetic before switching over to Shadow Dragon on the DS. It’s much snappier but oh man I can’t go one battle without resetting multiple times, usually because “oh so I needed to bring this character to recruit that character”. I usually have to take a break after each battle, due to how involved each one is. You can tell I don’t play strategy very often.

As much as I sneered at the concept of casual mode in the newer ones, it seems entirely possible I’ll use it just to save time.

rye, at some point in the near future, I will play Lost Planet 2 with you.


Went through the sunken ship in Metroid Prime, it was a pretty chill area and a welcome change of pace.


Going through Magicka coop and it is a roaring good time and it feels like I’m still figuring out new tactics 10 hours in, much less stressful than coop Helldivers

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yeah I don’t think any of the games in that lineage have improved on magicka

and still not enough people have played magicka

the idea of a game where you can constantly get the spellcasting wrong & still have it be recoverable in fun ways is just so strong

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still kind of amazed that no one’s really tried that magic system in other games

I have only heard great things about it so I would legit play it with you if I can figure out if PlayStation Now is viable on my Internet connection as I don’t have a PS3 lying around anymore, nor do I have the desire to deal with Windows

Fucking Clash Royale. Halfway thinking about starting a thread about it.

This is interesting because “constantly bombarded with stressful interactions you have no control over, one after another” is exactly why I dislike random encounters. Also it fucks up the soundtrack’s flow


Does Polygon lament the absence of comeback mechanics too

Thanks for posting that. I work retail and have to deal with all kinds of random crazy on any given day and goddamn it sometimes I just wanna turn my brain off and watch my numbers go up.

This is why I’ve put countless hours into Skrim and haven’t gotten around to better, smarter games in my collection.


In the Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics framework this is referred to as the aesthetic of Submission or Abnegation; wanting to be idly entertained. They don’t bother defining it further.

My company’s Kool-Aid is a framework emphasizing three human goals in life and games:

  • Autonomy (I have freedom to do what I want)
    ** Interpreted as push to open-world goal choice, systemic play
  • Relatedness (This connects me with others)
    ** Obviously multiplayer but also expressed through talking with others; random/interesting quests in Red Dead (or for us, Yakuza) creating share moments
  • Competence (I express mastery)

So in this framework, RPG grinding is an easy fix to your needs for autonomy (slight) and competence (high) after stressful work lacking in those aspects.


My working day is jam fucking packed with autonomy, relatedness and competence. These days I mostly play games for the same reason I watch movies. Which is why mostly I watch other people play games.

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Resi 7:

It is okay.

I thought the boat was good, but people are complaining about it. I don’t really know why - unoriginal? The whole game is. The boat is a big area filled with stuff to investigate with very little to interrupt you. Sure the story at that time was getting especially bland, but there’s about 90 minutes of you just wandering the boat where that stuff isn’t present. I enjoyed starting with nothing as Mia and gradually getting all the weapons and items. Ethan also is shit so I was pleased to be rid of him for a while.

I’m idly curious how Shiren GB adapted the control scheme to the notably fewer buttons of the Gameboy, let’s check it out.

90 minutes later

Oh, whoops, Shiren’s always engrossing, isn’t it


a roguelike only a mother could love

er, i mean a roguelike even my mother could love


My problem with the third act is that it’s visually boring, the map layout uninspired and no new mechanics are introduced. But yeah, Mia, her knife, the remote bombs and the terrible machine gun are pretty cool. Kind of want RE 7 Mercs because of her and the upcoming Redfield: Agent of Umbrella DLC.

how so? did they change anything besides making jack really obnoxious at the beginning & limited saves?

Yeah, early game is pretty rough, but there are some nice changes in enemy type and placement later on.