Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

Completed my first run in A Robot Named Fight. It’s basically the metroid version of 20XX. The best part is it doesn’t feel like such a slog as other “shuffle and loot” games (roguelites or whatever you call them). The neat part is how it ties in the weapon/tool pick ups into level navigation by various key functions. Sometimes you get a cannon upgrade to shoot through walls. Other times you get a subweapon that does that innately. I guess what I’m saying is the game feels more like a randomizer mod but the map is also randomized. I dig it though.

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played bit of persona 5, finished the first target. man, the whole adults are really shitty, yo schtick is already becoming a boring ass bullshit. it doesn’t help that every adult is presented as a massive dick.

so far, a huge huge yawn with the exception of battling, visuals and music. everything else is animu garbag-o.

i mean, i bet they are not even going to seriously question the morality of phantom thieves either, it’s going to be some short scene where they’re like “is it ok to really do this” and later it’s like NVM LOLZ.

I’m only about halfway through the game but the entire game so far has been explicitly questioning your morality

well if it’s going to be the typical animu way of doing such things, then i am not impressed (ie oh shit maybe we are doing smth wrong… nope I BELIEVE IN MY NAKAMA BELIEVE URSELF)

Why the hell didn’t anyone tell me that Talos Principle is, like, exactly the kind of game I want to play forever.

(Everyone told me.)

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did any of you play Obduction?

not yet but I really want to

I am waiting on a fancier computer, many years in the future

I played it, wrote about it in the puzzle thread:

As someone who likes Myst/Riven and adventure games…I can’t recommend it. If you love the environments in the old Cyan games, parts of the game are worth exploring for $10 or less, but not at the current price. The game is only interesting for the first 2-3 hours, it has poor puzzle design, and it really disrespects the player’s time.

Today I beat Princess Remedy in a heap of trouble. It was fucking excelent

why does persona 5 need to question the morality of the characters aren’t they just vigilante thieves. that is good and should be encouraged. there’s already enough namby pamby liberal comic book morality as it is.

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But they use their powers to manipulate the actions of their targets so they confess to and repent for their crimes, which are in the dungeons I finished physically abusing the high-school sports team they were coaching, and raping female students and abusing his art apprentices (sometimes physically) and passing off their work as his own to great success in the fine art world. Obviously forcing these people to own their crimes and face legal penalties (and great humiliation to their overseeing organizations who would like the whole thing swept back under the rug) is an area that requires a lot of moral questioning in this fantasy game about anime teens fighting monsters with their talking cat.

Someone send me a write-up of where P5’s Incisive Take On Japanese Politics goes because I’m never going to finish this game.

I respect that writeup, but there is a 0% chance I will not play Obduction. I just have to.

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The more I think about the game the less I like it

my main problem is just with how the adults are shitty is taken to such an extreme that almost every adult character so far exists not to be their own person but a cartoon villain to serve the theme that adults suck.

anyway, wouldn’t really care about it as much if it wasn’t so verbose. did we really need like a whole scene in a fucking restaurant where i go and pick food and in the process have to overhear how negligent, self-serving and loathsome adults are, even though the point has already been made countless of times, with the didactic cat repeating the point unnecessarily?

ok, let me put it this way. i realized I don’t have a problem with this animu/JRPG storytelling per se, but this is something I’ve noticed in general: it was ok to have a “lol i want to be a GOD I AM EVIL MUAHAHA” characters in older JRPGs (like Persona 1’s Kandori) because you met them infrequently and the games themselves weren’t as heavy on dialogue. yeah, such characters seemed a bit silly but it was okay, the game went through it with such quick pace that it didn’t matter.

now there’s so much needless exposition on these villains that even though it seems to make their motivations more realistic, the cartoony archetypes are still there and it comes off totally ridiculous. the characterization isn’t sophisticated enough to support the endless exposition and verbiosity, which is not unique to villains either, the protagonists suffer from the same syndrome.

Hyper Bounce Blast is less exciting than I thought it would be, I’m kinda disappointed. Also the music is boring and the sound fx are super wimpy

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Summoner 2 Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon is closed captioning for the blind.

It has an astounding amount of hand-holding then drops you in a multidead-ended overworld and says deal with it.

I started to play the witness on my ipod. I got to the bit with the trees and the apples and then there was a tree with no apples. I suppose it’s because I am unused to playing games anymore, but I was shocked at the speed at which I just gave up on trying to figure it out and thought I’ll just look it up

I didn’t do that. I thought better of it straightaway. how pointless it would be to progress like that. but still it was pretty depressing. I vowed out loud to no one that I would not look up a solution to any puzzle. if I have to stop playing at some point, I’ll just stop playing

I really like having this little colourful pocket world on me at all times, though. it’s calming and lovely

The thing that struck me about the game’s writing is how major character relationships and plot points were restated every half hour or so, as if the player was expected to stop playing this game for a long period at any time, and so they’d need a recap on what was happening. It’s not a good effect.