Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

Until you die immediately and quickload and the music doesn’t cue the second time

Consider this your biggest impetus to be a badass and not die


i started up Stardew Valley around 7:30 last night and then suddenly it was 1??

Harvest Moon + a stab at a quest list is an insidious mistress

I have a VR now and Robo Recall is amazing. It feels like playing Sin and Punishment in first person - projectiles move slow enough that you can dodge them, deflect them, or grab them and throw them back (my fave). It also helps that you play as the bad guy in a Neil Blomkamp movie.

It’s like if light gun games kept getting progressively better for twenty years.

[Cyberbots announcer voice] TARGET DESTROYED


I beat Order of Ecclesia and Portrait of Ruin back to back and enjoyed them. They’re both quality products with lovely detail and excessive charm.


Played something called V i stumbled upon on steam. it’s a free to play vidcon version of the Stroop Test with some oblique marketing. i am diagnosed neurodivergent so this looked interesting to me

it’s nice to listen to and look at if you don’t have epilepsy. i would call it elegant, although this is a pretty hard concept to screw up. i neglected the tutorial at first and thought the goal was to type the name of the color, not the word. turns out scoring ten in a row this way is a tricky achievement. you’re just supposed to left click if word/color match, else right click. i got an achievement for misinterpreting the game. apparently there are more than a few of these kinds of cheevos. neat stuff

might be fun to play with non-vidgammers!

I am ready to make y’all mad with opinions about Quake! It is pretty good. If you have never played it you should really play the first episode.

Episode 2: barely remember
Episode 3: More horror tinged
Episode 4: a grab bag of fuck mazes

I’m halfway through episode 4 which a wiki mentioned was made of stages that didn’t fit in the previous stages. It is much more difficult, and I am actively search out for secrets just to increase my survival. Coming around a corner to an ogre or three in difficult places is starting to wear thin though. I like the difficulty jump.

They are doing a little of a lot with the minimalist aesthetic. Mechanically it is so very good. The enemy placement gets a bit tiring “put an ogre or three around a corner.” But man! It does so much with your three weapon types. Almost feel they should have cut the shotgun and grenade ammo by half to make you more likely to switch weapon midbattle. Or maybe this is more likely on higher difficulties, but more damage more sponge doesn’t sound great to me.

Do the Mission Packs or user created levels do anything to create more of an atmosphere or environment? I guess one of the MPs has a Dragon? That sounds cool. Still not clear if the music is working right or not.

Zanac Neo is probably my favorite compile shooter (though Super Aleste is a close second). I’d completely forgotten that I had this on my ps troi.

The music is so ace


Oh uh this is non-obvious but dont use explosive weapons on shamblers.

Yeah theres a wide aesthetic variety in custom levels. There are even some blue sky levels!

oh i forgot about this, i love compile shooters

Game is so hard…

Please stop banning me playstation.

Bloodbowl 2 was on Steamsale so

Learning how to lizardpeople again. Bit sore that they can only have blue hides apparently


I guess I gotta get firepro


I don’t even know why they released the game with wrestlers I’ve only used fan created ones so far.

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Someone did a buncha ladies from GLOW

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the matchup we’ve all been waiting for :waynestare:


sh-should I tell train girl to tell rollins he was beaten into submission with a sledge hammer by sonic the hedgehog?

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