Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

oh my god i am now living through you vicariously

Something happens in Breath of The Wild and I think this is a very good video game.

Still Clustertruckinā€™ this is a great game for enhancing whatever uptempo music youā€™re listening to while sat at a desk

i want to know what exactly you are talking about here

Man there is something like every two hours.

Also unlike everyone in the main thread I think the actual dungeons are very good.

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I like the dungeons myself, I just donā€™t like the lead-up to the dungeons. Iā€™ve done 3 out of 4 now, and only one of them was reasonably interesting in terms of the busywork required to get into the dungeon itself.


yeah theyā€™re all pretty decent, itā€™s just that coming into contact with NPCs at all is consistently uhhhhh

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the lead-ups to the dungeons are straight embarrassing. i do think the dungeons would be okay without the unforgivable, inexplicable ā€œhereā€™s where the map isā€ intros, though i kind of wish they were meatier

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10000 games on steam and here I am playing Gran Turismo 2


got 100% completion on armored core 1 and now Iā€™m playing, uh, oblivion? still chipping away at shutokou battle 0, Iā€™d love to hundo-p that game as well

Playing circle of the moon and harmony of dissonance rather than nier, nioh, persona 5 or yakuza 0. Both games are heavily flawed, but I felt the odd urge to work through the gba vanias. Hopefully I still have the urge to play the supposedly actually really good aria before i get sick of fucking skeletons and meat.

finally got around to hyper light drifter
itā€™s good

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Iā€™ve been playing BOTW for like 10-15 hours and I have yet to even sniff a dungeon. I like this about it.


the new final fantasy xv dlc is a good 7/10 ps2 game


is it longer than the last one or about on par?

I did my first real dungeon last night. The thing I got from doing it is kind of game changing! But itā€™s optional, I can choose not to use it. Though itā€™s pretty cool so Iā€™ll probably use it a lot.

I also got the Master Sword. If you have full hearts you can use the R1 button to do a ranged magic attack. Link rears back like heā€™s going to throw it but instead he throws the magic from the sword like in the first Zelda.

I love it. Still havenā€™t talked to Impa yet. I might go do everything else in the game and then go talk to her before I face Ganon. I donā€™t know, maybe not. Would be amusing I bet.

I should point out that you should probably do the first few Impa missions to unlock some stuff, because youā€™ll be kicking yourself if you unlock them way late in the game

Thanks for the tip. Iā€™ll do a few of them tonight to see what youā€™re talking about.

AbzĆ» is just about the prettiest game ever.

Also finished up Closure a few days back and it was pretty alright. I think the artsy puzzle platformer with a twist is probably a rough sell now, but I really enjoyed the bleak, almost oppressive aesthetic (particularly the noisy music early on) and the twist that the parts of the stage that arenā€™t lit up by light no longer exist is a good one.

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Okay I unlocked the things you were talking about. I also did another dungeon (was kind of necessary to do the other thing). Great times. This game is great.