Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

yeam but it’s been like an entire decade since i played it

not saying you should know or remember, just that the face gets named and helped make the game happen

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Street Fighter 4 on 3ds is like 5 bucks now. The 60 fps mode is beautiful. I’m enjoying it more than I ever enjoyed the console version because it’s been ten years now and I’m used to Street Fighter not feeling like Street Fighter. It’s even got online and fight request!


The sewers boss, yeah? Bear traps and…cross your fingers you don’t wipe to the later stage when it gets out of control. It’s not a well-designed fight but you could say the same thing for most of the bosses.

yeah but at least the rest of them actually feel like they belong in a roguelike

It’s actually the primary reason anyone would buy the game, and they’d make no mistake about it since it is egregiously overpriced ($30 on console).

Anyway I strongly recommend playing T4K while high, as Jeff Minter’s games are basically boutique pot jokes. The controls are finicky in a sensuous way.

Also, there’s an undocumented lean function on L2, so you can more easily kill crawlers that have made it to the rim.

Also also remember to bomb once every level for double points because in this game bombing is okay, and you’re okay, and everything will be okay.


I played the Japanese version of Shadows of the goddarned. You can see tiny tiny pieces of it being based on The Castle , which also bled into Let It Die. I know there is a Hinge Problems from way back of me talking about this game so I might have to listen to my own podcast and compare.

About the Japanese version: Massimo Guarini (The Director) is no where on it. The opening crawl in the US version gives equal footing to Mikami, Guarini, and Suda. Here it is just Mikami and Suda. Didn’t see his name in the closing credits either.

It was rated Z but is still censored. There are a lot less corpses around. It still shows beheadings but kind offff pulls away in an almost Quantum of Solace what the hell is going on? Camera movement. The cutscenes seem somewhat cut up but I can’t compare that with my memories of 10 years ago. Also any blood in cutscenes is blue where it is just red in gameplay. *shrug

And it kind of falls flat all around. The light/darkness is never used too it’s full effect. The game never quite knows what to do with the different enemy types. The level design is passable but the set design is unremarkable. It is at it’s best when it is super high contrast but sort of backs off for everything being red.

When I mention the castle it has your goal always in the background but none of the areas ever feel like progress. I know that is part of the “goal” of The Castle but also it doesn’t feel like I am going anywhere. I am just in a new place for a video game stage. Garcia Fucking Hotspur never really lands as cool or funny or lame. Just this sort of reasonable car owned by someone else.

The PENIS PENIS PENIS jokes also almost work but again. Just kind of staring at them. Not bad, Not good. Like a nice scarf a stranger in sight dropped.



The best things from this were…names, yes Garcia Fucking Hotspur and A Demon Lord Prince of Evil, the Most Heinous

Fleming. Whatshisfaces.

And whatever chapter fixated on lusty dusty neon backdrops. I did like how parts of The Castle played with perspective and portals, iirc.

I kinda respected its being so juvenile upfront, and something of a Robert Rodriguez Blacklight Inferno. The Yamaoka soundtrack is actually pretty tight overall. The title screen kick in and SOTD theme song were particularly awesome. Almost painfully mediocre game otherwise but anyone with taste for its shlock could do worse with 8-10 hours.

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Looking back now, thoughts like this on its production aren’t surprising at all:

Mikami: “No, it became a completely different game. That was a bit disappointing. I think Suda was unable to create the scenario he’d originally had in his head,and he rewrote the scenario several times. I think his heart was broken. He’s such a unique creator, so it seems to me that he was not quite comfortable with making this game.”

Interestingly enough, Mikami added that if the game had turned out the way his colleague wanted, “it probably would have sold even less.” It still would’ve been “unique,” though.


…3 years to make and the game design had gone through significant changes (five design drafts in total). Originally, Garcia was going to start out shirtless and without a gun. From there, he would gradually acquire weapons along the way and purchase clothes at stores within the game. However, Grasshopper was pressured by EA to have Garcia start with a gun because, “westerners are about guns.” In addition, Paula was originally designed as a little girl living in Garcia’s gun and would hop around like a rabbit or flutter like a butterfly when her ability is needed; and this would lead to a prominent love story. Again, EA had these features removed because they did not understand the concept. EA informed Grasshopper that, “there’s this thing called an elevator pitch in America, and if you can’t tell your story in the length of an elevator ride, Hollywood won’t use it.” This forced Suda to completely scrap all of his initial ideas and had Johnson the talking Skull replaced Paula, and make the game a fairy tale like Lupin III’s The Castle of Cagliostro or Princess Peach and Mario.

Well, I would’ve imagined some of the uh concepts and references differently, but that’s basically what one could’ve assumed went down. Damn, hahah


The organizational and tooling challenges of managing an even bigger team than typical AAA must be insane, and they clearly aced it. IMO there might also be something going on here where they hired the very best people in Poland, whereas US game industry needs to compete for talent with every other industry.

Poland has always had a vast amount of great graphical artists. I remember a Polish friend showing me Polish movie posters and comics. They were really dope!

Enter the Gungeon is much more palatable now that there’s a turbo mode that speeds everything up 2x. Once I had that turned on I haven’t looked back.

This has been a Good Expansion, in that it’s free and jam-packed with more shit to shoot and synergize.

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Over 45 hours into Hyrule Warriors and still haven’t unlocked the ‘My Fairy’ option on the menu

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I started playing Yakuza 6

I’m always out of money because I spend it all on food, which I’m 100% positive is the correct way to play the game


Just make sure you save a bit for OutRun and Karaoke, then you’re doin’ it right

spend it all on cat food


The above two posts made me realise that cat arcades and cat karaoke bars should be a thing




Went to a cat café in Baltimore a little while ago and realized that I actually really want a chill, relatively quiet, brightly-lit cat arcade. Like, I’d love that shit.


CD Projekt, the owner of GOG, is the parent company of CD Projekt Red. The distribution side definitely predated the game development studio. No Clip did a documentary on the company that is worth watching, especially the episode on GOG.

The good that GOG does – preserving old games for future generations, their commitment to DRM-free games – outweighs the bad in my opinion! Also, this is totally subjective, but in the interviews with No Clip they seem like nice people and a lot less douchey than the folks they interviewed for their Bethesda documentary!