Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

the sick ass-desert of the real


And following it is the jungle where youā€™re never sure the panther equivalent is stalking you.

I guess the marsh is in there too but it gets bogged down.

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I got a PS4 yesterday, and thanks to the PS store sale I went wild and bought too many games! I snagged Yakuza 0, Bloodborne, Journey (w/ flOw and Flower), and The Last Guardian.

Iā€™m playing Yakuza 0 first. I just got to Chapter 2. This game had one of those Persona-style slow starts, where you have to wait forever to control anything. I was starting to feel a bit skeptical, but the game really won me over in the climactic fight through the Dojima Family HQ. The moment I jumped off a balcony, crashed through a restroom window, and brawled with dudes who were still trying to pull their pants back up and finish washing their handsā€¦ That was the moment I decided I was on board.

Then I finally got the freedom to wander the city and do sidequests, which seems to be 100% the best part of this game. The quest to improve a punk bandā€™s image made me lol out loud.


Yo. Yak 0 does the persona friendship vibe better than persona itā€™s awesome

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Yeah, I was surprised the extent to which this is basically a crime-based Persona game! But this is much better than Persona 4 across pretty much all dimensions. Better writing and characters, better battles, a more interesting setting, it actually respects my timeā€¦ Iā€™m into it.


is this still on sale


Sadly, itā€™s the one game I bought that wasnā€™t part of the sale! Itā€™s currently full price.

They have a Yakuza 0 + 6 bundle up for $72ish.

Iā€™m expecting 6 will disappoint me overall but it does have the New Japan Pro Wrestling boys doing crime so itā€™ll be worth $60ā€¦to me.

Damn I shoulda got that bundle!! Oh well, itā€™ll take me ages before Iā€™m ready for Yakuza 6 anyway. That first person harpoon fishing mode got me hype though.

Never worry about playing Yak games in order. Like you might miss a ref or two (which you will miss in 0 100%) but it rarely matters.


Well, you miss out on the feels, as even in the prologue of Yakuza 6, the emotional pull mainly stems from having played Yakuza 3 and 5.

Speaking of Y6, the prologue was great. It felt very Y3-like, and I bet Hiroshima is going to be like Okinawa of 3 in terms of overall atmosphere.

Well yes, but you miss out on the feels of Y0s ending by starting with that one, but people seemed to enjoy that game enough, so I donā€™t really think they should worry too much at this point.

i agree with 0 as a pick, since at the end of the day itā€™s prequel in terms of story, although knowing what will happen in the future puts it in perspective. but with y6 for example, i think itā€™s a lot better if you play y3 and y5 the very least, or maybe y3, since 5 is a clusterfuck all things considered.

I am betting it will have a recap movie available in the full version (like all the others) so people can just do that.

Like shit, I barely remember 3 except the CIA showing up, so eh.

i mean, by that reasoning any game series out there can be played out of order, which is fine if you believe that. iā€™m just saying that story-wise 3 and 5 are pretty important since they focus on the relationship between kiryu and haruka the most, and in 3 you have the whole orphanage thingie that y6 returns to in its prologue.

I have gone back to do post game stuff in yakuza 5 and it is hard to go back. All the side stuff is not good. The different fighting styles in Zero/K are way more tactically interesting than the different characters moves. The random battles are too frequent and too much of a slog.

Despite that I still havenā€™t fought 100 of them for the trophy so hmm.

I am debating if I am going to bother trying to beat 4 and 5 before picking up 6, and knowing that I will not.

5 nope 4 maybeeee

I couldnā€™t tell you the stories of either outside of they both end with them killing Kiryu then pulling back from that MGS4 style.

The only egrerious instance of it was in 3, in 5 I donā€™t think itā€™s even about dying. Itā€™s just to dramatise Harukaā€™s decision in the end.

4 is pretty inconsequential to continuity, since itā€™s not really Kiryuā€™s story.

5 has some really good moments, itā€™s just so poorly paced.