I’m a card player from way back. (My avatar might have given this away.) This post got my attention.
I didn’t think much of Hearthstone, and that hasn’t really changed. Dungeon Runs are good, though. This is an arena in which the Hearthstone Chaos Factor belongs and makes sense. I still dislike everything about the multiplayer modes, but Dungeon Run is actually worth playing. Thanks for saying so.
are there any restrictions on playing this Dungeon Run like there are for the Arena mode? because I absolutely love the idea of a single player “”""""“roguelike”"""""" card game
reminds me of dream quest y’all should play dream quest
There is a game that does this, you navigate a map and add to your deck via chests and maybe monster loot and then you get to spec certain cards when you rest
Is it Dream Quest, as described by @spacetown? I ask because this is something Peter Whalen developed. (Peter Whalen is the primary designer of Hearthstone’s Dungeon Run mode.)
There are no restrictions on Dungeon Runs that I know of. Free of charge to all players. You may need to complete some tutorial games or reach a very low level first. They balance this by rewarding very little for completing the mode at this time. I won three packs of the new card set from quests when I first started, and if you win with each class you get a cardback. Sometimes there is another quest that rewards more cards for progressing. I think they need to push this mode more, but I have a lot of opinions that Hearthstone’s developers seem to disagree with.
I loved Golden Sun 1, but the sequel was such a huge slog. Sailing around in the boat almost put me to sleep on numerous occasions. It’s just minutes on end of endless ocean and random encounters against the same few fish over and over.
I was considering getting the third game a year ago while I was in DS JRPG mood, but decided against it. Did anyone here play that one?
This is the best kind of gambling, though. I was tired of losing as hunter despite playing carefully. (The hunter card sets seem pretty bad.) I decided to swing for the fences instead. Getting the hilt and the blade of the broken sword in the same run has never felt so satisfying.
Apparently Tru TR Murderheads say Galleon on OG XBox is the only real successor? Good luck ever getting to play it though, I haven’t. It’s one of my life’s goals I’m not really prepared to spend any effort fulfilling
I’m replaying Yume Nikki (now on Steam) in anticipation of this mysterious new related project the developer is teasing.
This game holds up decently well! It’s gorgeous and atmospheric. The way you collect and use effects is a great way to keep you hooked in a game that otherwise has hardly any goals. It still feels kind of weird and cool to be able to just walk around aimlessly in a SNES RPG style engine, like you’re walking around behind the scenes of a Disney World ride.
It can be a bit tedious to trudge through some of the more samey worlds, but that’s why you always look up where the bike is first!
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp has taken over my cell phone. Fortunately I spend no money on it, and the only time I’m playing is at work, basically, so nothing of value is lost. Still.