Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

I was so zoned trying to capture Metal Shrug Solid: Virtual Rampage Action with my phone in one hand, and red cup in the other that my vision cone totally missed the REAL YOU.

Onlookers of the VR beware your own immersion!


finished Not a Hero DLC for Resident Evil 7, the free one.

just like the last third of the original game, i have no idea who the fuck thought that playing corridor shooter with limited weaponry and incredibly limited enemy variety in such an engine is fun.

I dunno, everyone who thought RE4 was good?

the amazingness that is Resident Evil 4 is not even comparable with the lazy action shit in RE7.

or am i misunderstanding something? since RE4 and RE7 are nothing alike, from enemy variety to weaponry to encounter design etc?

I posit that RE4 is what started the seriesā€™ transition into an action bland-em-up. The major differences between 4 and 5 were purely cosmetic

Eh, Iā€™m not one of those people who thinks ā€œaction in RE = garbageā€ at all. If anything, RE4 to RE6 (YES YOU HEARD IT HATERS) are some of the most phenomenal action games of all time.

RE7 is good, but the last third of the campaign as well as the Not a Hero DLC are just sad.

I am just going to play some KILEAK THE BLOOD now to wipe that not a hero dlc taste out of my mouth.

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RE6 is good

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Iā€™m plunk battling but Iā€™m not sure I like it

Yeah, you have to pay to unlock characters from past seasons for ā€¦ about the price of a season pass. Having a season pass unlocks the characters for the current season, plus gives bonus cosmetic nonsense.

The bundle with the Y2 pass or the ā€˜complete editionā€™ (Y2 pass plus Y1 operator bundle) are good deals if you want the extra characters. At $30 for the Y3 pass with no holiday discount, iā€™ll probably just buy one or two characters if theyā€™re interesting and Iā€™m still playing. In terms of the Y2 characters, I only use Dokkaebi and Mira with any regularity.

just donā€™t buy starter edition at this point. two years in, the grind is too crazy to unlock characters.

Play the sequel instead

iā€™ve played the blood before, just got stuck somewhere iirc

thank you for standing up for your pal and mine

resident evil 6

Turn out the solution to most of the puzzles seems to be lob grenade from hidden distance to disrupt walking paths and then backstab targets off one by one when the settle away from their friends

You would like it if you plunked with me maybe!

momodora 4 is a really great looking game. itā€™s pretty fun to play, too. i remember seeing posts by the momodora guy a few years ago saying that if the third game didnā€™t take off, he was gonna quit game development. look at him now, on consoles and shit!

kingsway is a really great thing to have on your computer to play when the wifiā€™s temporarily down or whatever and you donā€™t want to get up and find a controller to plug in. and obviously, the whole operating system rpg gimmick is cool too.


Retro Game Crunch (not to be confused with Challenge) has a lot of charm, but Iā€™m losing my goddamn mind on the final boss of the STG because the d-pad input locks up any time you push too many directions at once

also the boss takes like 5 minutes of shooting to take down

and then thereā€™s another phase

shooters, my duders.

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how is the dragon game, it looks the best

Super Clew Land? Yeah, that one may be the most realized. Metroidlike with E.V.O. progression and the platforming is really really good.

I guess if I had to rank them in order, itā€™d be:

  1. Super Clew Land
  2. Shuten
  3. End of Line
  4. Wub Wub Wescue
  5. GAIAttack! (This would probably be higher up if I had played co-op)
  6. Paradox Lost (I accidentally sequence broke and beat this too fast lol)
  7. Brains & Hearts (Would also probably be more fun with a human)

In this space, it might be literally impossible to beat the superhot VR level that kept setting me back in the yurt.

On the plus side even in private and not on extra speed it can modulated as a sort of ptsd inducer for weird immersion therapy a mental health professional would probably give me strange looks re: were I to ask them about it so hey thatā€™s cool.

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