Games You Played Today Oratorio Tangram

  • ABE VR is about getting dissected
  • Accounting is the funny half of the Stanley Parable team and the Rick & Morty guy goofin’
  • Apollo 11 is as good as your investiture in NASA’s glory days is
  • Audioshield is Audiosurf but punching, made by the Audiosurf folks. That should tell you its strengths and weaknesses. Bonus: it can run directly off Youtube searches
  • BLARP! is a cabbibo game and thus mission-critical like all cabbibo games
  • Brookhaven Experiment is an early monster shooter. Probably outclassed by now
  • Budget Cuts is the best implementation of teleport-style movement (though that’s still probably a dead-end) and the best game about crouching under desks. Demo-only so far
  • Cosmic Trip is by the gaijin who split off from Q-Games after Dylan decided he wanted to spend five years making a free-to-play satire
  • Fantastic Contraption is a wheel/rod/axle building game but limited. By the Northways
  • Google Earth VR is better than Google Maps
  • GORN is #shrugpunk
  • House of the Dying Sun is a cockpit space shooter by people who really, really, love Dune and Homeworld. Really
  • Hover Junkers is a multiplayer team-based shooter about pushing levers in a bounded space, similar to Guns of Icarus. Body-positioning is important
  • Job Simulator is deeply overrated and also not funny
  • L U N E is a cabbibo game and thus mission-critical like all cabbibo games
  • La Peri is another ‘touch things for sound effects’ game but pleasant enough
  • Rez Infinite is required
  • Scanner Sombre is darkness and light, a cave of stars
  • Space Pirate Trainer is limited but solid
  • SUPERHOT is canon
  • theBlu is a museum piece
  • The Lab is Valve’s piece and, unlike Valve pieces, mostly outclassed by other developers. The portal segment is almost assuredly the last gasp of that world
  • Thumper is immeasurably more skin-crawling in VR
  • Tilt Brush is better inebriated
  • Warka Flarka Flim Flam is a cabbibo game and thus mission-critical like all cabbibo games
  • First Contact (Oculus) shamelessly panders but is worth 15 minutes and $0
  • Robo Recall is overcomplicated; a clear sign of an overlarge developer applying its familiar concepts incorrectly to a new medium
  • The Climb is supposedly interesting
  • play around with old game conversions if you’re nausea-tolerant. Doom is excellent if you crank down the brightness
  • There’s a Virtual Boy emulator that worked great on the Oculus DK1 but I can’t get it to work properly on my Vive.